Inside Cole Hauser's Marriage With Former Child Star Cynthia Daniel

Cynthia Daniel is an American actress who is arguably most known for playing Elizabeth Wakefield in "Sweet Valley High." Daniel starred in the show alongside her real-life twin sister, Brittany Daniel, who played Jessica Wakefield. Daniel has been married to actor Cole Hauser - who many can identify from his current role on "Yellowstone" – since 2006.

Daniel retired from acting in 2002 and began to pursue a career in photography with the launch of her business, Five Arrows Photography. She and Hauser also share three children together: sons, Colt and Ryland, and a daughter named Steely Rose. 

The pair don't offer a lot of details about their life together. While they're both active on Instagram, it's rare for either to comment on their home life at all. In 2020, Hauser did briefly tell "Havok Journal" that balancing his work and home life is crucial to him. "I am pretty good about compartmentalizing working and family," he explained. "They are two of my biggest passions."

Family is everything to Cole and Cynthia

While Cole Hauser and Cynthia Daniel don't speak about their marriage or relationship that often, each of them have shared small insights into how much they value their family. In the 2020 interview with "Havoc Journal," Hauser goes on to explain just how precious his family is. 

"I am not the kind of guy who forgets about them," he explained. "I am always making time for each and every one of my children and also my wife, also, as a family together. I am good about making time for the whole family." He later added, "You have to figure that balance out. But as a father and a husband you have to make the time and work just as hard at it."

Daniel is also passionate about motivating other moms to pursue their goals and the live their best lives while raising their kids. While celebrating her 40th birthday with her twin, Brittany Daniel, she told The Daily Mail, "I want to inspire mums that, okay you're taking care of your family, but you have to take care of yourself."
