What Samira Wiley's New Baby's Name Really Means

Hollywood power couple Samara Wiley and Lauren Morelli first met on the set of the smash-hit series "Orange Is the New Black" in 2012 (via Huffington Post). Morelli was working as a writer and producer of the series while Wiley starred as one of the inmates. The couple discovered they had an instant connection and became fast friends (via Martha Stewart). Over time their friendship blossomed into a romance, which resulted in a big wedding in Palm Springs, California in 2017.

In April of this year, the couple reached another milestone. On Mother's Day, Wiley revealed on her Instagram account that Morelli recently gave birth to their first daughter. The actress shared a photo of their newborn holding both of her moms' fingers in each of her hands. She captioned the adorable shot, "Welcome to the world, babygirl. We love you and we thank you for giving us the best 1st Mother's Day two ladies could ask for."

'George Elizabeth' is a regal name

In the surprise post, Samara Wiley also shared some details about her first child's birth. She wrote that her wife Lauren Morelli spent almost 3 days in labor with their daughter before finally giving birth to her on April 11th. At the end of her post she revealed that the couple named their child George Elizabeth.

According to Behind The Name, "George" has Greek origins. The name means "farmer" or "earthworks," and was used by six British kings and two kings of Greece. "Elizabeth" has Hebrew roots and means "my God is an oath" (via Behind The Name). It's also a very popular name amongst royals.

At the moment it's unclear what George Elizabeth's last name is. However, Morelli revealed in an Instagram post of her own that her firstborn has already made a tremendous impact on the couples' lives. She captioned her post, "4 weeks ago today, our daughter came into the world and changed everything. We are so happy, so grateful, and so tired."
