Why Jessica Simpson's Latest Instagram Photo Has The Internet Divided

Another day, another celebrity posting a makeup-free selfie on social media, with people not holding back on their opinions in the comments (via Page Six). This time, it's Jessica Simpson, who took to Instagram on Thursday to share a photo of herself smiling and barefaced. Her blonde hair was worn spilling over her shoulders, nary a lick of lip gloss or swipe of mascara to be seen.

The star simply captioned the pic, "Sunny kinda mornin'." With 138,694 "likes" at time of writing, plenty of Simpson's fans had glowing compliments for the singer and author. "You look so young and healthy and fresh faced! Killing it!" commented one follower. Another had nothing but positive things to say, writing in response to the photo, "thank you for being so real!!! Still gorgeous without all the makeup!"

More compliments poured into the comments section of Simpson's post, but sadly, other commenters were not as kind — and made no attempt to sugar coat their opinions.

People attack Jessica Simpson's makeup-free selfie and others jump to her defense

To be fair, most of the comments to the star mom's post were very positive, with one fan complimenting Simpson by writing, "So naturally beautiful!!!! You are such an amazing example for women our age."

But comments like this one were less affirming: "Yikes." Another Instagram user observed about the fresh-faced photo, "Omg you look completely different." Many comments were downright rude, with one person writing, "Please stop doing this to your lips. Jesus." Someone else wrote, "What happened to you. This is not Jessica."

Other commenters picked apart a seemingly miniscule detail of the photo, telling Simpson, "Put that tongue in." Finally, another commenter meanly noted, "Not a flattering picture."

Luckily, Simpson's fans rallied to her defense, with one blasting unkind commenters by saying, "I'm appalled at the rudeness of humans! If you don't like her smile, move along." Another fan seconded the notion, decreeing, "Stop hating on her. If that's all some of you are going to do then unfollow her. She doesn't need it. She's human just like the rest of us. You need to grow up and stop picking at every little thing you see that YOU think is wrong with her."
