Here's How To Make The Minimalist Home Of Your Dreams

The latest personal wellness trend that applies to your home, minimalism promises to help you feel less cluttered and more secure in the possessions you already own. Alongside soft hues like beige and taupe, minimalism is often characterized by a lack of clutter and clean lines. According to My Domaine, this type of decorating involves much more than getting rid of odds and ends — it means being intentional about every item that comes into your space.

Shira Gill, a home organizing expert, tells the outlet, "A minimalist home is synonymous with an intentional home — it's about surrounding yourself with items you need, use, and love, and stripping away the excess."

To start, you'll want to have an idea of your intention and what you want out of your organized, less-cluttered space. What types of colors make you feel the most serene and protected? What types of items do you find yourself using the most? Which objects in your house bring you the best feelings? By having a good idea of the spaces, hues and items that bring you joy, you can more effectively plan for your new, minimalist rooms. 

"Think about why you want to have a more minimalist home and consider how your home will be able to support you to live an intentional life," Helen Youn, master-level certified KonMari Consultant suggests. "When you have a clear vision of the life you want and get down to your core values, it will give you clarity on which items to keep and which to let go."

Remove clutter and take a closer look at what you already own

While the idea of minimalism may spur visions of you rummaging through piles of boxes, drawers and cabinets, it may be better to start with the larger items. The Mayes Team suggests taking an honest look at your furniture before you get more granular with your design. Rather than getting overwhelmed, spend some time looking at each piece of your furniture to see whether or not you truly enjoy, use and appreciate its place in your home. Of course, if it doesn't feel completely right, it's time to toss it.

After you've perused the larger items, then you can start with the clutter. My Domaine recommends using the KonMari method which involves organizing by categories. In ascending order, they suggest starting with your clothes, then moving onto books, papers, miscellaneous items and lastly, sentimental objects. According to Youn, "This order goes from easiest to hardest and helps the client hone their sensitivity to what brings them joy."

Before you head to the home goods store, you might have found some forgotten treasures among the clutter. Just make sure that they fit your vision for your cleared-out, centered space and then use them where you think is best. You can use bins to organize smaller items and any toiletries to keep them collected in cabinets as well. From here, add personal touches as needed to create warmth and charm within your home.
