When You Eat Asparagus Every Day, This Is What Happens

Adding more greens into your daily diet has been proven to have a host of health benefits. Asparagus, which is low in calories and packed with antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins, is a nutritious and delicious vegetable to eat every day. According to Healthline, eating just a half a cup of asparagus daily can provide you with 2.2 grams of protein, 1.8 grams of fiber, more than half the Recommended Dietary Intake (RDI) of vitamin K, and a good amount of folate. 

Asparagus is high in antioxidants, containing powerful compounds like glutathione, flavonoids, and polyphenols, as well as the vitamins E and C. Antioxidants have been proven to defend your cells from free radicals and oxidative stress, and flavonoids, like quercetin and kaempferol found in asparagus, have been shown to reduce blood pressure and contain anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and anticancer properties (via Healthline).  

According to Live Science, eating asparagus regularly may improve brain health, as it contains the amino acid asparagine, which has been shown to assist in the function of the brain, as well as vitamins B12 and folate, which are believed to improve response speed and mental flexibility.

Eat asparagus daily for digestion

One cup of asparagus contains 14% of the RDI of fiber, which is crucial for digestive health (via Healthline). According to the Mayo Clinic, getting an adequate amount of fiber assists in promoting digestive health by normalizing bowel movements, lowering your risk of colon disease, and even reducing the risk of colon cancer. Asparagus also contains the prebiotic inulin which gets broken down and digested in the large intestine, where it can improve nutrient absorption and decrease allergies (via Ohio State University).

Eating asparagus daily can assist with weight loss, as the vegetable is low in calories, contains fiber, and is composed of about 94% water (via Healthline). Research shows a diet rich in fiber can aid with weight loss, as well as help sustain weight loss. Furthermore, adding water-rich foods, or foods with a lower energy density (via Verywell Fit), to your daily diet has been linked to weight reduction.

San Diego based nutritionist Laura Flores tells Live Science that "There are no life-threatening side effects of eating too much asparagus, but there may be some uncomfortable side effects such as gas, and a noticeable smell to the urine." Eat asparagus every day, along with a balanced and nutrient-dense diet, to assist with weight loss, improved digestion, and overall improved health.
