Caitlyn Jenner Just Made A Big Move In Her Plans To Run For Governor

In early April, New York Post leaked that Caitlyn Jenner and Donald Trump's campaign manager, Brad Parscale, were putting together a team for a potential gubernatorial bid. The reality TV star now has her political act together, or so she hopes. On April 23, Axios announced that she'd filed the initial paperwork to run against the sitting governor, Gavin Newsom in an all but inevitable recall election. Along with Brad Parscale, Jenner has assembled a team of other former Trump heavy hitters, including pollster Tony Fabrizio, who worked on Trump's 2016 and 2020 campaigns. Axios reports that her team is confident the upcoming race is "totally winnable."

As The New York Times points out, Jenner's entrance into the gubernatorial recall election (presumably to take place sometime this fall), makes her one of the better known, transgender candidates to public office in U.S. history. And while Jenner formally retracted her support for Donald Trump in 2018, she's chosen to announce her candidacy in undeniably Trump-esque fashion: via Twitter. 

Caitlyn Jenner starts her political campaign on Twitter

Caitlyn Jenner promises that a formal announcement of her bid to be California's next governor will follow. For now, she's tweeted, "I'm in! California is worth fighting for." In the press release attached to her campaign announcement tweet, Jenner calls herself a "compassionate disrupter," and promises to return California to its status quo pre-Newsom, the state where "I knew that anyone, regardless of their background or station in life, could turn their dreams into reality." The newly minted candidate recently launched a campaign website, which (as of this writing) fails to detail her policy platform. Despite this, the website promises that Jenner will be "an honest leader with a clear vision." "Caitlyn for California" hats, shirts,  beverage coolers, and wine glasses are also on sale. 

Twitter, thus far, isn't buying into it. "Because uninformed celebrities running for public office worked sooooo well four years ago," tweeted one skeptic. "No thanks," wrote another. "You supported Trump in '16 yet you're running in one of the most liberal states in the country? Best of luck," chimed in a third. 

Assuming that the California recall election does take place (and per The New York Times, organizers have confirmed they have the 1.5 million signatures necessary to make that happen), Jenner has just become one of Newsom's most well-known challengers. No democrat has so far entered the race.
