The Common Summer Weight Loss Mistake A Lot Of People Seem To Make

When summer temperatures start climbing up into the uncomfortable zone, one not too unwelcome side effect for many of us is that hot weather makes us feel a bit less hungry. At the very least, we're more inclined to eat lighter fare than those hearty soups and stews we'll be craving again come fall. So why, then, don't we all exit the season looking slim and trim, sorry to hide our sleek physiques under bulky sweaters once the mercury creeps back down? Because life just doesn't work that way, that's why! Unwanted pounds are easy come, but never easy go. Plus, according to Sue Heikkinen, in-house Registered Dietitian for nutrition app MyNetDiary, in summer many of us seem to be "drinking ... our calories in the form of lemonade, sweetened tea, juices, or smoothies."

Heikkinen warns that these "sugary beverages quickly eat into your calorie budget without even helping you feel full." A 12-ounce can of 7-Up, she points out, contains 38 grams of added sugar, while a 20-ounce bottle of Gatorade has 34 grams of added sugar. According to the American Heart Association, women should consume no more than 25 grams of added sugar per day, while men should top out at 36 grams. Think you're better off with an adult beverage? Not so fast! Heikkinen says "turning to a beer or a hard seltzer for hydration not only adds extra calories, but will be dehydrating due to the alcohol content."

Stay hydrated the smart way in summer to lose weight

While you should cut down on sweetened and/or alcoholic beverage consumption in the summer (and in general), you should not be drinking less overall. Heikkinen emphasizes that "Warm summer weather makes hydration even more important," explaining that "Warmer temperatures mean your body is losing more fluid in the form of sweat." While sweat may seem yucky, she says that evaporating moisture coating your skin is actually "your body's natural cooling system." The problem comes when we engage in sweat-producing outdoor activities like hiking, biking, yardwork, or even swimming. If we don't drink enough liquids, we may find that we're sweating out more moisture than we're replacing and are at risk of dehydration.

Heikkinen recommends water as "the ideal hydrating beverage," and suggests you keep track of your water intake. Many diet apps do offer such a feature if you prefer to keep track of stuff that way. Should you grow bored with plain water, Heikkinen says it's okay to mix things up with unsweetened iced tea, flavored water, or sparkling water from time to time, or try low-cal mocktails like this 13-calorie spritzer (via MyNetDiary) that mixes seltzer with a splash of orange juice and some fresh mint. Swap out the OJ for lime, and it could be an even lower-calorie mock mojito!
