The Truth About Prince William And Kate Middleton's Kids

The British royal family has been capturing the attention of the United Kingdom, and the world, for decades. From spectators that consider themselves adoring fans to those who don't pay much attention, the royals always seem to show up in popular culture; so whether you're a royal admirer or not, everyone seems to know everything about the royal family.

Of course, one of the royal figures that garners the most attention is Prince William, the second in line for the British throne and arguably the future of the monarchy (via the BBC). He married Kate Middleton in a royal wedding ceremony that was nothing less than a fairytale, and has gone on to father three kids with her. But these aren't just your regular, elementary children who go to school, come home, and go about their favorite hobbies. All of William's children — Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis — are in third, fourth, and fifth in line for the throne, respectively.

So for children in such demanding positions, what's known about them? Do they have favorite hobbies and pastimes? Do they truly know the history of their royal lineage? Here's the truth about Prince William and Kate Middleton's kids.

Prince William and Kate Middleton's kids can't technically travel with their father

There are a lot of royal protocols, some practical, others bizarre. Some royals, including Prince William's mother Princess Diana, didn't mind breaking the rules, but there's one royal protocol that applies to William and his children. It's important, and it's certainly not one that's messed with often. As noted by Hello! it's against royal protocol for two or more heirs to the British throne to fly in the same airplane; this is rather a macabre rule, but it's to ensure that the line to the throne is maintained (should the absolute worst happen). 

William and Kate Middleton have broken this rule once: when Prince George was just 9 months old, his parents took him on the same flight that they were traveling on to Australia. But on a trip shortly thereafter to New York, the royal parents left their baby prince at home. It's an unfortunate protocol that is a bit somber, but it makes sense. And given that the next four heirs to the British throne all exist within one family, it's safe to say that extra precautions are a must.

Princess Charlotte was reportedly a very easy and sweet child

Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis are all relatively young, so it makes sense that not a ton is known about them. Additionally, Prince William and Kate Middleton are known for keeping their private lives just that, private, but every now and then, they'll drop some hints about their children's personalities. 

As noted by the Daily Mail, William attended an event held by the Welsh Rugby Charitable Trust — of which he is patron of — and spoke about his kids with the former rugby players and their families. William shared that his children were doing "very well," but that he and Kate were preparing for their daughter's teenage years. Sounds like every concerned dad ever. 

William also shared that Charlotte was a "very easy" and "sweet" child, but added that he's bracing for her older years. "But all the fathers say to me 'just you wait, when they get to 9 or 11 they get crazy," William said. "I'm looking forward to it. There will be some drama." Time will tell how the little princess evolves.

Prince George is a big fan of this breakfast food

We really have to pay attention to Kate Middleton and Prince William when they talk in public, because sometimes they drop little pieces of information about their kids. For instance, Prince George apparently likes to wear a robe (remember the Obama picture). He's also reportedly a fan of helicopters, and doesn't like Canadian leader Justin Trudeau. 

This kid has a bold personality, there's no doubt about it, and his mom revealed one of his other likes: pancakes. While attending an event, Kate was asked by a 4 year old where her son was, as George was not with his mother (via Vanity Fair). Kate responded, saying that he was at his nursery school making pancakes. Sounds like a dream, why didn't we get pancake day at school? Kate also told the curious little boy that George is a fan of thunderstorms. We honestly can't wait to see him grow up and embrace his interests — sounds like he has opinions and everything, and we love to see it.

Princess Charlotte's name honors three women in her family

Royal names are often long, and typically include a first name, a couple of middle names, and the royal family name of Windsor. For example, Prince William's full name is Prince William Arthur Phillip Louis, Duke of Cambridge. Say that five times fast. So it doesn't really come as a surprise that his children too have intricate names, and his daughter's full name honors three women in her family. 

Princess Charlotte's full name is Charlotte Elizabeth Diana Mountbatten-Windsor, so here's the background info you need to know. According to Closer Weekly, the first family member referenced by the young princess's name is Kate Middleton's sister, Pippa Middleton. Charlotte is Pippa's middle name, which is a lovely nod to the Duchess's family. Next up is Elizabeth, which makes complete sense. Elizabeth, of course, is the name of William's grandmother and the longest reigning ruler of the United Kingdom, Queen Elizabeth II. And lastly, Diana, a nod to William's mother, Princess Diana, who tragically died in 1997. 

Charlotte may be young, but her name consists of storied women in British royal history who made a mark all their own. 

The royal kids are already well-versed in this foreign language

Life as a royal can consist of a decent amount of traveling; in a pre-pandemic world, working royals would go on elaborate tours of foreign countries to represent the crown, so it comes as no surprise that royal family members speak more than one language. As noted by Express, Prince William speaks English (of course), German, French, and Gaelic, and it looks as though his children are following in his multilingual pursuits. 

According to People, Princess Charlotte, even though she's so young, speaks some Spanish. Her nanny, Maria Turrion Borrallo, is originally from Spain and has been teaching Charlotte the language. She also attends the Willcocks Nursery School, chosen by her parents due to the impressive team of educators, which no doubt is helping her along with her linguistic skills. 

Charlotte's older brother, Prince George, also speaks some Spanish. As noted by Reader's Digest, could count the numbers up to ten in the language by the time he was 4 years old. If they're anything like their dad, the Cambridge children will be multilingual before they know it.

This is where Prince William and Kate Middleton's kids sit in the line of succession to the throne

If you're confused as to who's in line for the British throne, you're not alone. As noted by the official royal website, the line of succession to the British throne is made up of the following: Queen Elizabeth II is the reigning monarch. When she's no longer Queen, her son Prince Charles will become king. His son, Prince William, will assume the throne thereafter. 

Here's where William's kids come in. Prince George, William's first son, is third in line to the throne, followed by his sister Princess Charlotte. The youngest Cambridge child, Prince Louis, is fifth in line. He's followed by his uncle, Prince Harry, who is sixth in line. Harry is followed by his son, Archie, who's seventh in line. 

All of this could change if William and Kate Middleton have another baby — it would push Harry and Archie down on the list. And due to the Succession to the Crown Act, which passed in 2013, Charlotte can't be displaced in line by her younger brother (which happened in the past to princesses).

Prince Louis became internet famous after this public incident

Prince Louis is the youngest child of Prince William and Kate Middleton, but he's already made himself known on the public stage: he became an overnight internet sensation in 2019 due to his highly relatable facial expressions, and the pictures are great. According to Marie Claire, Louis made his public debut at the Trooping the Colour, a yearly parade that marks Queen Elizabeth's birthday. But he absolutely wasn't down for the event, and gave the best stinky face we've ever seen on two separate occasions. 

First was his expression while sitting in his mom's arms on the balcony of Buckingham Palace. While his dad was pointing out the festivities, Louis was having absolutely none of it. His tiny face scrunched up into the most iconic, "I'm over this" look, and naturally, the internet ate it up. People took to Twitter to point out Louis' hilarious expressions, with one person tweeting that he was her "usual mood." Things got even better when photos of Louis peering through the window at the crowds went viral. His "side eye" (as someone described it on Twitter) really resonated and people became instant fans of the little prince.

Prince William and Kate Middleton's kids have a number of nicknames

Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis all may be in line for the British throne, but they seem to live pretty normal lives as children. And like all good kids under the age of 10, they've been given some pretty great nicknames. 

Let's start with George. According to The Sun, George went through a phase of introducing himself as "Archie," which is confusing given that his cousin is named Archie. But his parents have been known to call him their "little grape," PG (his initials, Prince George), and PG Tips, after the tea brand. Moving on to his sister, Princess Charlotte, the middle Cambridge child has a couple of nicknames given to her by her parents. As noted by HuffPost, Kate Middleton calls Charlotte "Lottie," which is adorable. Prince William, on the other hand, has a very enduring nickname for her: "Mignonette," originating from the French word for cute. 

The youngest Cambridge child, Prince Louis, has a nickname given to him from his siblings; according to Closer Weekly, George and Charlotte call their little brother "Lou Lou." How adorable is that?

Prince Louis broke this royal record when he was born

Prince Louis is arguably the internet's favorite Cambridge baby, but he's been setting records since day one. As noted by Reader's Digest, Louis was born on April 23, 2018, and while he wasn't Prince William and Kate Middleton's first baby, he was their heaviest. Louis weighed eight pounds, seven ounces when he was born, a chunky little man if there ever was one. He weighed more at birth than either Prince George or Princess Charlotte, but his record breaking weight at birth extended past his immediate family. Louis is, to date, "the number one heaviest newborn heir to the throne in at least 100 years." Yes, you read that correctly. 

Louis is the biggest baby born into the royal crown lineage in over a century, making him a record breaker in more ways than one. However, Louis isn't the heaviest royal baby to ever be born. Queen Elizabeth's granddaughter, Zara Tindall, gave birth to her daughter in 2018 who weighed in at nine pounds at birth, outperforming the little prince. But given that Louis is directly in line for the throne, his birth weight stands out from the crowd.

Princess Charlotte and Prince George often join Kate Middleton for this activity

It's always a little bit odd to think about the day-to-day lives that royal family members lead. After all, we typically see them in public settings at royal events, and they're always put together. Even the little Cambridges, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis are (for the most part) always on their best behavior, so it's important to remember at times that they're just kids. And as noted by Vogue, George and Charlotte are big fans of preparing food with their mom, Kate Middleton, on a regular basis. Kate shared that she "frequently gets her two eldest children to cook with her," and it's a sight that we'd love to see. 

So what do the heirs to the British throne like to cook with their mom? Their favorite "cheesy pasta" (sounds amazing), and homemade pizza dough made from scratch. What else do the kids like to eat? According to Town & Country, George is a big fan of spaghetti carbonara, and Charlotte loves olives (via Vogue). What we wouldn't give to join the family of five for dinner.

Prince George doesn't know the extent of his royal lineage

Prince George, who's third in line to the British throne, could very easily become king one day. However, that's a reality about his life that his parents have more or less kept away from him — at least while he's a young kid. 

As noted by People, Prince William shared that he and Kate Middleton have tried to keep George's life as normal as possible, that although George is not from an "ordinary" family, they try to keep his life as grounded as they can. "I love my children in the same way any father does, and I hope George loves me the same way any son does to his father," William revealed. "There'll be a time and a place to bring George up and understand how he fits in, in the world. But right now it's just a case of keeping a secure, stable environment around him and showing as much love as I can as [a] father." It sounds like the best approach, honestly, because life as a royal certainly seems to come with its pressures.

Prince William and Kate Middleton's kids love dancing

A lot of kids get interested in dance — how many of you tried to do a turn in your living room when you were young? Well, it looks like Prince George and Princess Charlotte are no different, because both of them have an interest in dance. Prince William shared while at a Commonwealth Day reception that his daughter "loves dancing." If she's in a recital, let us know, we'll be there. Additionally, Charlotte's older brother George has studied ballet at school, and as noted by Dance Magazine, really enjoys it. So if you're clued in to the news, you'll know what's coming next. 

During a segment on Good Morning America in 2019, host Lara Spencer listed off the curriculum that George would be studying at school. When she got to ballet, the tone of her voice reportedly changed into that of "patronizing" and "provoking," and she essentially made fun of the young prince's desire to dance. Spencer's attitude landed her in a lot of hot water, and she took to Instagram to try to clear up the damage. Here's a reminder: dance is for everyone, George included.

Prince Louis's name is a nod to these royal men

Prince Louis seemed to get the timing of his birth pretty spot on. According to People, the little prince was born on April 23, which just happens to be St. George's Day, or England's national holiday. So already, he had some points on his side. Additionally, his full name, Louis Arthur Charles, is a nod to royal men both past and present, so we'll break it all down. 

For starters, Louis is a very regal name. While it hasn't been the name of choice typically within the British royal family, the name Louis is pretty much synonymous with French monarchs. More than 16 kings in French royal history have been named Louis, so clearly the name has a good amount of royal oomph to it. Louis is also Prince William and Prince George's middle name, as well as the name of Prince Philip's grandfather — so all in all, the name has a lot of meaning to the royal family. Of course, Louis is the grandson of the Prince of Wales, Prince Charles, thus making the little prince's third name a rather obvious choice.

Princess Charlotte is reportedly the boss of her siblings

Prince George may be the oldest, and Prince Louis might be the internet sensation, but Princess Charlotte is the boss and to be honest, it makes sense. Not only is she the only girl amongst her siblings, but Charlotte is also the middle child, so some spunk is expected. 

According to Vanity Fair, the princess's parents know that Charlotte is pretty much in charge of her siblings. While attending an event at a war memorial, Kate Middleton had a talk with another parent in attendance and revealed that Charlotte was not only "growing up really fast," but she was "the one in charge" of things. "We have both got 2 year olds and they are ruling the roost. It was a bit of a mummy chat," Samantha Burge, the fellow mom in question, revealed. 

Honestly, we would love to see Charlotte in her full sibling glory, telling her brothers what to do. But it doesn't seem like there's any sibling rivalry between the royal kids, because Burge said that according to Kate, George and Charlotte were "becoming really good friends." Let's hope that lasts!
