The Best Ways To Unwind After Work, According To Science

The commute. The never-ending emails. The meetings covering budgets, assignments, and expectations (which could have just been made into more emails). It is true: work can be quite stressful. While we all have different jobs, titles, schedules, and workplaces, we all deserve a little R & R at the end of the day.

Some people use this time to catch up on personal tasks, such as doing laundry and running errands. Others grab dinner and park in front of the television (or laptop) to binge the latest Netflix releases. But there are actually activities to do after a workday that are scientifically proven to help you unwind.

For instance, HelpGuide reports that running can decrease anxiety and boost your mood and energy level. Weighted blankets, which are growing in popularity, can also help cut down on stress, as well as lead to pressure relief and a better night's sleep, according to SciMed Central. Speaking of stress relief, massages belong on this list, too.

There are fun and beneficial ways to deal with the pressures of work

PsychCentral notes that journaling is a good way to unwind after work, as well as reading, which can assist with improving memory and concentration and with relieving stress (via Northcentral University).

Work-related stressors can include the hours and the workloads. The pressure caused by these stressors can lead to depression, anxiety, and a decrease in productivity, according to Better Health Channel. That being said, there are also some fun hobbies for dealing with a lack of relaxation and comfort.

Forbes writes that being creative releases dopamine, a natural antidepressant. Cooking can enhance mindfulness and combat restlessness (via Mindfood). And music can improve your blood flow and make you feel happier, in general, as reported by Time Magazine. So after a long day's work, think about taking some time to work out, rest, write, read, create, and — most importantly — remember to breathe in and breathe out.
