Is This How Prince Charles Really Feels About Seeing Prince Harry Again?

Prince Charles is currently mourning the loss of his beloved father, Prince Philip. Philip passed away on April 9 at the age of 99. Following the Duke of Edinburgh's death, Charles issued an emotional statement about the death of his father. "My dear Papa was a very special person who I think above all else would have been amazed by the reaction and the touching things that have been said about him, and from that point of view we are, my family, deeply grateful for all that," Charles said, per CNN. "I particularly wanted to say that my father, for I suppose the last 70 years, has given the most remarkable, devoted service to the queen, to my family and to the country, but also to the whole of the Commonwealth," he added.

Philip's death came just weeks after Charles' youngest son, Prince Harry, and Harry's wife, Meghan Markle, sat down for a shocking tell-all interview with Oprah Winfrey. In the interview, the couple dished on living inside the confines of the royal family and even accused members of the family of making racially insensitive comments about their child's skin color. Reports of tension inside the family began to explode, with Charles allegedly falling into a "state of despair" after hearing Harry's words (via Vanity Fair). Now, Charles and Harry are set to reunite at Philip's funeral, but it may not be the dramatic ordeal that everyone's expecting.

Prince Charles and Prince Harry haven't seen each other in over a year

Prince Charles and Prince Harry haven't seen each other in over a year (via Marie Claire). The father and son are set to reunite in the UK for Prince Philip's funeral following Harry and Meghan Markle's decision to exit as senior members of the royal family and relocate to the United States (via People). While there has been tension between members of the family due to Harry's exit and stunning Oprah interview, Charles is said to be happy to see his youngest son. "I'm sure Charles will be very happy to see his son. It's been more than a year. The Prince is very much looking forward to seeing him," a Buckingham Palace source told The Sun.

Royal author, Penny Junor, tells the publication that there are hopes for the family to mend the rift between them as they gather to honor Philip's life. "My hope is that if something good can come out of the Duke's death is that it brings the family together. This is a golden opportunity. But there is undoubtedly a lot of hurt. I'm sure the Queen will be pleased to see [Harry] as he is her grandchild first and foremost," Junor stated. Meanwhile, Harry has already returned to the UK to be with his family during their period of mourning but Meghan didn't make the trip. Her doctors advised against flying during her pregnancy.
