The Real Reason Magnesium Helps You Sleep Better

From powders to capsules to tinctures, magnesium proves to be the wellness trend that helps many people recover from daily stress. Furthermore, its relaxing qualities that impact countless functions in the body also aid in your system's ability to fall asleep. Healthline reports that this mineral is integral in nearly 600 biological processes and, unfortunately, many people lack the proper amount. Magnesium impacts every cell in the body, meaning that every system requires it in order to function.

Magnesium directly impacts the central nervous system, which is responsible for your relaxation response known as the parasympathetic nervous system. To fall asleep, your body and mind needs to be able to fully let go and peacefully drift off. By adding a supplement like this to your routine, you give your body the nutrients it needs to fall asleep by stimulating the rest and digest state. The outlet explains that magnesium helps the body and mind relax by flooding the nervous system with the substance known as the "calm down mineral".

Additionally, since it impacts the hormonal system, magnesium spurs the production of melatonin — another substance needed for sleep. Working alongside melatonin, magnesium also impacts your GABA levels. This amino acid settles your nerves into a state of relaxation and magnesium binds to its receptors to create a calm state of mind that can fall asleep with ease.

Magnesium impacts your circadian rhythms

Beyond the neurological impacts magnesium has on your brain, it also affects your sleep-wake cycle. Mindbodygreen reports that this supplement can regulate your circadian rhythms — your body's system that creates homeostasis — meaning that it can help you feel more alert and refreshed when you wake up. Furthermore, when your body is in a state of relaxation rather than stress, it can positively impact your quality of rest.

In fact, Healthline cites a study finding that adults who took 500 mg of magnesium before bed had a higher quality of sleep than those who took a placebo. With a relaxed nervous system and a calmed state of mind, many people are able to fall asleep faster and stay in their peaceful state for longer. Plus, it also relaxes your muscles, releasing soreness and moving your body into a deep state of rest. 

Since sleep is so closely connected with mental health, this boost also aids in the reduction of anxiety and depression. Calming the nervous system can obviously have positive effects on feelings of restlessness or rumination as well.

Find a supplement that works for you and try taking it before bed. You'll likely notice the benefits quickly!
