Britney Spears' Father Is Demanding She Pay His Legal Fees. Here's Why

Britney Spears continues to battle her father, Jamie Spears, over her conservatorship. The singer has been making headlines and garnering a ton of support from fans who are all part of the #FreeBritney movement. The campaign is a cry to have Britney released from her conservatorship, per Vox. Fans have been dissecting Britney's social media posts and going through legal documents to get information about the case (via Vanity Fair). However, the singer has stayed mostly quiet about the situation.

In August 2020, Jamie opened up about the fans' interference in the case, claiming that they needed to stay out of his family's business. "All these conspiracy theorists don't know anything. The world don't have a clue," he said (via Page Six). "It's up to the court of California to decide what's best for my daughter. It's no one else's business. I have to report every nickel and dime spent to the court every year. People are being stalked and targeted with death threats. It's horrible. We don't want those kinds of fans. I love my daughter. I love all my kids. But this is our business. It's private."

This week, new legal documents were released and it seems that Jamie is asking Britney to fork over some major cash to cover the bills for the conservatorship case.

Jamie Spears is reportedly trying to get millions in legal fees from Britney

Page Six reports that Britney Spears' father, Jamie Spears, has filed legal documents in hopes of having the pop star pay millions in fees. According to Page Six, the documents reveal that Jamie is seeking upwards of $3 million in legal fees from his daughter — $2 million of that reportedly just to compensate his personal lawyers, who have been fighting to keep Britney's conservatorship in place. "If approved by the judge, this money would come from Britney's estate, meaning she essentially would be paying her own father's lawyers to fight her in court," a source told the outlet.

Meanwhile, the docs claim that Jamie racked up the expensive lawyer fees from the firm Holland & Knight while trying to protect Britney and the conservatorship case from the media. "H&K has assisted Mr. Spears in dealing with domestic and global media matters relating to the Conservatorship in order to maintain the privacy of the Conservatee and for the protection of the Estate from inappropriate and/or unwarranted intrusion," the paperwork reads. In addition, the source alleges that those close to the singer believe that the request for that much money is out of line. 

Britney refuses to continue her music career while her father is still in charge of her conservatorship (via Billboard), so she has no fresh sources of income to pay the fees.
