Paris Jackson Reveals New Details Of Her Childhood With Michael Jackson

Growing up as the child of a famous person brings with it a certain degree of difficulty, whether they're trying to live up to their parent's insurmountable legacy or trying to shy away from it. In rare cases, famous children even outdo the people that made them. In the case of Paris Jackson, she started off life in a tougher place than most of her contemporaries did. Having the King of Pop, Michael Jackson, as her father meant intense press and public scrutiny from the outset. 

Although he was one of the wealthiest and most successful musicians in history, not to mention one of the most beloved, his life wasn't without controversy. The "Thriller" hit-maker had some highly-publicized issues in the run-up to his death, and it's unlikely his children were shielded from the brunt of it, purely because of how non-stop the coverage was at the time. In the case of the King of Pop's only daughter, however, she was at the very least kept from becoming an entitled brat. 

Paris Jackson learned about responsibility from her father

While appearing on Naomi Campbell's No Filter series, on YouTube, Paris Jackson acknowledged she grew up very privileged, obviously. However, Jackson also argued that her famous father instilled a strong work ethic in all his children, ensuring they knew nothing came for free in life. "My dad was really good about making sure we were cultured, making sure we were educated, and not just showing us like the glitz and glam, like hotel hopping, five-star places," she revealed. Jackson explained they were shown all sides of the world, not just the wealthiest spots, which ignited her activism at a young age.

Likewise, the model and musician noted that if she or any of her siblings wanted something, they couldn't just ask for it. "If we wanted five toys from FAO Schwarz or Toys 'R' Us, we had to read five books," she advised. Jackson further clarified, "It's earning it, not just being entitled to certain things or thinking 'oh I got this.' It's like working for it, working hard for it, it's something else entirely. It's an accomplishment." The dedicated LGBTQ+ campaigner has carried her father's lessons into adulthood, reaffirming her dedication to her work and confirming she has no issue auditioning or attending castings just like everybody else.
