What Does It Really Mean When You Make Someone Blush

Blushing is just one of the body's many natural responses. You may blush when you're embarrassed or after your crush says something nice about you. According to Psychology Today, blushing happens when you're feeling self-conscious or excited. When you cause someone else to blush, that means you're causing that self-consciousness or excitement feeling to happen to them.  

The reason for the sudden rosy flush on your cheeks can be attributed to adrenaline which, according to The Atlantic, is caused by "capillaries that carry blood to the skin." Scientists have even said that blushing is a fight-or-flight response when it's not socially acceptable to run away or punch someone. So, when you're making someone blush, you're igniting that adrenaline response (via HowStuffWorks).

Depending on the person and your relationship with them, there are many ways you can cause them to blush. For instance, if it's your sibling, you can reveal an embarrassing story. And if it's your partner, you could cause them to blush with just the right compliment.

Blushing is an involuntary nervous system reaction that can't be recreated

Naturalist Charles Darwin struggled with the concept of blushing. He even said it's one of "the most peculiar and the most human of all the expressions" (via the New Scientist). Since it's also an internal response your body does, it can't be replicated so easily. As Insider points out, while some can cry on command, blushing is something you can't control. 

That means if you're causing someone to blush, it's an honest response. Of course, you could also recreate the look with a little rosy makeup to your cheeks, but you can't physically cause someone to blush if they don't mean it. However, you can try to help someone stop blushing. Some of the ways you can stop blushing, according to Healthline, is to cool off, hydrate, and take a few breaths. Those are just some easy ways to try and relax your body after that adrenaline rush.
