What Happened To June McCamey From My 600-Lb Life?

When viewers first met June McCamey on My 600-lb Life, she was struggling to even move around. As People reported at the time, the Texas native lived in constant fear of her body simply giving up on her, admitting she wasn't sure "how much more weight I can actually put on my knees." McCamey felt "imprisoned" in her own body and was unable to even leave her home, while then-girlfriend Sadi had to do everything for her, including bathing. 

McCamey's weight issues began with her grandmother's delectable cooking, but after four pregnancies and putting on more weight each time, she was soon almost 600 lbs. Her last hope was gastric bypass surgery with Dr. Now. The proud Texan made incredible strides during her time on My 600-lb Lifegetting below 300 pounds by the end of her episode (via InTouch Weekly). Has June McCamey managed to stay healthy in the intervening years and find happiness?

June McCamey is living a completely different life

Despite the hardships she's faced in life, June McCamey has managed to keep the weight off and continues pushing toward a healthier lifestyle. As The Cinemaholic notes, in a follow-up episode, the reality star revealed she'd lost her son but was getting therapy and focusing on staying positive, which helped her get approved for a crucial second surgery to remove excess skin. In 2019, another follow-up episode detailed how McCamey had tied the knot (via Facebook) with long-time lady love Mary Washington, in Arkansas. "It's been a long process," McCamey acknowledged. "But now that I'm here, words can't even come close to describing how happy I am." She regularly keeps fans updated on her hugely impressive progress on Facebook

Considering the dedicated mother weighed 590 lbs. when she first appeared on My 600-lb Lifeit's incredible to think about how hard she must have worked to drop quite literally hundreds of pounds over the years. McCamey typically used food as a salve when life got tough, particularly after losing her son, Mack, to gun violence. However, McCamey's commitment to her remaining children forced the reality star to get serious and make a major change for their sake as well as her own. Now, June McCamey knows exactly what she's capable of. "Here's a winning strategy ... 'get back up again, and again.' If you fall seven times, make sure you get back up eight times," she encourages her fans (via InTouch Weekly). 
