When You Fill In Your Eyebrows Every Day, This Is What Happens To Your Skin

Filling in your brows can be one of the quickest fixes to feeling put together. Whether you're hanging out at home or meeting a friend out for coffee, crafting out the perfect arch and flick can elevate your look and is super quick. However, when you're thinking about taking care of your skin you shouldn't discount your brows. Everyone has different skin types and susceptibility to sensitivity, and over time products can take their toll. 

If you're a brow enthusiast it's likely you've tried innumerable pomades, powders, pencils, and gels to try and keep your eyebrows looking on point. However, Dr. Sabrina Shah Desai, an oculoplastic surgeon told Glamour that your preferred brow products could seriously impact your skin. Dr. Desai explained to the outlet, "Ingredients within brow gels can contribute to acne including silicones, dimethicone and timethicone, and petroleum." If you find that you're breaking out consistently, but aren't ready to sacrifice your perfect arch, she suggests, "us[ing] a pencil or powder-based brow products, which don't tend to include the occlusive ingredients found in gel formulations."

Regularly sanitize your makeup applicators to avoid unnecessary irritation

You may notice that your eyebrow area feels a little bit sensitive just after hair removal and Beauty Image explains that you should go makeup-free if possible for 24 hours after eyebrow treatments to avoid a negative skin reaction. Dr. Desai further explained to Glamour, "Tweezing, waxing, and threading all have a tendency to cause breakouts and products like brow gel can also clog and block pores in turn leading to blackheads and inflamed breakouts." 

Fortunately, as Total Beauty points out, there are an abundance of brow products on the market that you can tailor to your specific needs including your skin type, but even if you find a product that works, it's important to not just remove the makeup on your face at the end of the day, but also to keep your brushes, wands and beauty applicators clean. According to Medical News Today, if you don't clean your brushes and applicators regularly, they can transfer acne causing bacteria as well as dead skin, dust and pore clogging residue onto your brow line resulting in breakouts and irritation.

Practice good skincare as acne prevention

When it comes to makeup causing acne, your best defense is always a good offense. That means a good skincare routineInsider explains that in order to prevent getting spots or irritation from your beauty products, make sure you properly remove your makeup at the end of the day but also be sure that your skin is clean and fully moisturized when you put the products on. 

Cosmopolitan urges that if you do notice that you're getting little spots or bumps in your brows from makeup, regardless of your skincare regime, don't be dismayed. It just means you haven't found the right products, yet. Dr. Joshua Zeichner, director of Cosmetic & Clinical Research in Dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital explained to makeup.com, the importance of reading labels and understanding ingredients, specifically products labeled as non-comedogenic. Dr. Zeichner explained, "This means that it has been studied and shown not to cause acne breakouts." 

With proper research, and an understanding of your skin's needs, your eyebrows can be filled in and shaped into daily perfection without the threat of a acne flare up!
