The Famous Royal's Diet That Almost No One Wants To Try

If you can cast your mind back to those dear old SATs, you may recall a fun topic called "logical fallacies," or, in layman's terms, "why everything you thought you knew about XYZ is wrong." One fallacy, in particular, we encounter on a daily basis. According to Logically Fallacious, an "appeal to false authority" means that when a well-known person spouts off on any given topic, we're likely to pay attention because ... well, we know them, or we think we do, and we like their music/TV roles/makeup tutorials/whatever so we're more inclined to listen to their opinions on the climate, the economy, politics, or other areas in which they lack actual expertise.

One area, though, in which many celebs may lack credentials but are still pretty knowledgeable, is the art and science of how to stay looking your best as if your life — or at least your job — depends on it. Because, with them, it does. Putting on a few pounds is a bummer for most of us and may mean our wardrobe or self-confidence takes a hit, but it's not likely to cost us our jobs. For celebs, though, this is exactly what it means, so they do know their diets. If you were to follow a celeb-endorsed diet, which would you choose? Women Lifestyle polled 652 people and found some surprising results, particularly with the high-protein diet that came in dead last.

The Duchess of Cambridge's unpopular diet

Well-loved though she may be, hardly anyone (just 8 percent or respondents) wants to eat like Kate Middleton. According to body+soul, Kate Middleton's go-to diet plan when she needs to drop a few pounds is something called the Dukan Diet. It's a low-carb diet, but one that incorporates four separate phases. During the "attack" phase, only protein foods are eaten for four to six days, no carbs allowed. Next comes the "cruise" phase, where you can mix in a few veggies, followed by the "consolidation" phase where you get to eat fruits, dairy, and some carbs, too — plus two cheat meals so Kate can sneak in the odd cookie or glass of wine. The last, or "stabilization," phase is meant to be a lifelong balanced eating plan, but requires you to go into "attack" mode one day a week.

Annoying jargon aside, this diet doesn't sound too terrible, although those "attack" days could be pretty rough. One of the downfalls with extreme diets is that they're pretty hard to stick to. As a short-term weight loss strategy, however, we've seen much worse plans than the duchess'. Yes, cabbage soup diet, we're most definitely talking about you ... Still, it's not likely too many celebs would endorse that particular weight loss method lest they suffer public embarrassment from the gassy side effects.

Which celebs' diets ranked higher than the Duchess of Cambridge's plan?

Another not too highly rated diet was the Alkaline Diet espoused by Kate's fellow Brit Victoria Beckham (aka the Spice Girl formerly known as Posh). No wonder only 9 percent thought they could stick to this — according to the Daily Mail, the diet bans pasta, beans, baked goods, dairy, meat, shellfish, tea, coffee, carbonated beverages, booze ... basically everything but veggies. Bleah. About 14.5 percent thought they could give Megan Fox's 5-Factor Diet a go. This low-GI diet tailor-made for anyone fond of quintuple sets involves eating five meals per day, each containing five elements (via Verywell Fit): lean protein, complex carbohydrate, fiber, "good" fat, and a sugar-free beverage.

Angelina Jolie's Ancient Grains Diet was chosen by nearly 16 percent who felt that they, too, could get by on nothing but seeds, nuts, and coconut oil (via Marie Claire). Just edging it out in the rankings was Gwyneth Paltrow's Clean Program, coming in just above 16 percent. Kind of surprising that it ranked this high since it seems to involve replacing three weeks' worth of meals with $475 worth of supplements and shakes. It would be less painful to eat like Gwyneth herself (even if it might result in more weight gained than lost).

The celebrity diet that came out on top

The diet that most people thought they'd find least painful was the Beyoncé-endorsed 22 Days Vegan plan. It should be noted, though, that this diet has a somewhat misleading name — although it may seem as if you only have to commit to three weeks of plant-based eating, the intent, according to Food Network, is to get you to change your evil meat-eating ways for good. Oh, plus you're also meant to go gluten-free.

Spoiler alert: FN didn't think much of the diet, since they found it so strict as to "take the fun out of eating" — and they also disapproved of the overly-processed (and pricey) supplements that the diet developers want you to buy. It appears that while Queen Bey may have adopted this diet as a short-term method of getting into shape (as if she's ever gotten out of it!), but she's too fond of seafood, chicken, and pasta to stick to it for good.
