Mary Trump Says This Loss Is Even Worse Than The Election For Donald Trump

Though losing the 2020 presidential election to Joe Biden couldn't have been an easy ordeal for former President Donald Trump, his niece, Mary Trump, a clinical psychologist and author, says that other events that transpired as a result of the U.S Capitol riot in early January have been particularly hard on Trump.

In the days after an angry mob of his supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol building on Jan. 6, Trump was permanently banned from Twitter and his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey, was pulled as host of the 2022 PGA Championship. "I think that being banned from Twitter and having the [Professional Golf Association (PGA)] take their tournament away from his golf courses are probably the worst things that have happened to him in the last four years," Mary Trump told Insider on Thursday.

In fact, his niece went as far as to say that Trump didn't even really care about politics. In her interview with the outlet, she speculated that Trump's only real desire was maintaining a sense of power that comes from receiving constant attention from the public. Now that his main line of communication has been broken, his niece says that the former president is struggling to cope. "How is he managing without Twitter?" Mary Trump asked Insider. "Because even he must realize that people really aren't paying attention to him in the same way."

Mary Trump has made it her mission to showcase the real Donald Trump

The interview with Insider is not the first time in which Mary Trump has disclosed uncomfortable truths about her family. Though the Trump family tried (unsuccessfully) to block the publication of Trump's tell-all book Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man, it was eventually released to the public in July of 2020. Though the book contained many shocking revelations about the former president of the United States, the passages about his less-than-honest business practices and relationships with women as relayed by his niece point to narcissistic tendencies that had followed him into the White House (via BBC News).

In speaking with Insider, Mary Trump pointed back to her uncle's narcissism to explain his vow to run for the highest office in the country again in 2024. Trump does not believe that her uncle actually wants to run for president again. Instead, she believes that Trump is simply trying to keep his army of supporters close in the coming years. "It's all about maintaining the grip on power," she told Insider. "He thinks on some level it's going to allow him to continue to operate with impunity as he has done his whole life, and also it's going to allow him to keep grifting money off of people."

Given this determination to remain in the public eye, it will be interesting to see what Donald Trump will do to keep his name in the headlines now that he's no longer in the Oval Office.
