The Truth About Kimberly Guilfoyle's Departure From Fox News

For the past few years, Kimberly Guilfoyle has been one of the most visible faces of the Trump wing of the Republican party, serving as vice president of a pro-Trump super PAC and most recently speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) (via YouTube).

Before that, Guilfoyle spent over a decade working at Fox News — and her departure in 2018 was reportedly due to multiple allegations of misconduct, as reported by HuffPost. According to the outlet, Fox News and Guilfoyle gave the impression that she was leaving of her own accord. However, 21 sources told HuffPost that she was ordered to step down after human resources conducted an investigation into the allegations, which included sexual misconduct.

One of the most serious allegations came from Guilfoyle's former assistant, per The New Yorker. The young woman reportedly filed a 42-page complaint to Fox News executives about Guilfoyle's behavior, which she said included multiple instances of sexual harassment.

Fox News made a settlement with the assistant, but Guilfoyle denies all accusations

According to The New Yorker, Kimberly Guilfoyle's former assistant alleged that her boss showed her lewd images of men and required her to work at Guilfoyle's apartment, where she would often be naked. Fox ended up paying the young woman up to $4 million in order to avoid going to court.

In response to The New Yorker report, which was published in October 2020, Guilfoyle provided this statement: "[I]n my 30-year career working for the SF District Attorney's Office, the LA District Attorney's Office, in media and in politics, I have never engaged in any workplace misconduct of any kind. During my career, I have served as a mentor to countless women, with many of whom I remain exceptionally close to this day."

According to the HuffPost, other staffers said Guilfoyle was emotionally abusive. The human resources investigation included interviews with hair and makeup staffers, who allegedly were often on the receiving end of the abuse. In 2018, HuffPost sent 19 questions to Guilfoyle's attorney. He responded with a brief statement denying all allegations of wrongdoing and stated that "Kimberly has happily moved onto the next chapter of her life and hopes others will do the same."
