Donald Trump Jr. Doesn't Hold Back In His Tweet About Meghan And Harry

After Prince Harry and Meghan Markle sat down with Oprah on Sunday, March 7, to set the record straight about why they chose to uproot their traditional royal life in England to live as independent citizens in California, a great number of people expressed sincere appreciation for the candid nature of the interview, and for the respect the couple clearly demonstrated for Queen Elizabeth II and for the rest of their family. Many also were alarmed and saddened by the revelations regarding Meghan's struggle with mental health and thoughts of self harm and the Palace's refusal to allow her to get the help she needed when dealing with an unfathomable amount of pressure and public scrutiny (via NBC). 

One person, however, was not impressed by the couple's interview, and has not minced words in sharing his feelings on Twitter. Son of former President Donald Trump, Donald Jr., took to the social media platform to say this: "My take on the Meghan Markle/Harry hostage video Oprah interview. Have fun and enjoy. When I'm looking for a quiet peaceful life out of the public eye the first thing I'll do is call Oprah to do an interview." 

Yikes on several bikes. Anyone who watched the interview learned that the main reason the couple gave for speaking with Oprah so publicly wasn't because they want a private life, but because they know they never will have a private life, and after spending years unable to tell the truth of their situation, they wanted to set the record straight.  

Twitter is divided over Donald Trump Jr.'s comment

As you might imagine, folks on Twitter are having very polarized reactions to Donald Trump Jr.'s bluntly-stated opinion. One person who disagreed with Trump said, "You are either intellectually dishonest or lacking if you can't see the distinction between objecting to uninvited press intrusion and slander, and organising interviews on your own terms." Others who were offended by Donald Jr.'s tweet took a more personal tack, saying things like, "Says the person Oprah didn't and never will ask for an interview. Lol" and "Sorry...Oprah would not stoop so low!" And some people were shocked at his insensitivity. One person tweeted, "Your [sic] just like your father! Heartless!!"

Others, however, agreed wholeheartedly with Trump's take on things. One tweeter replied to his statement, "Lol So true!" And another said, simply, "Exactly." Other fans of Trump Jr. agreed that the importance of the whole interview was overblown, tweeting, "Seriously I'm sick of hearing about it. I didn't watch it." Another person echoed this sentiment, saying, "I really don't care, do you?" 
