Here's Why Andrew Cuomo's Latest TV Appearance Is Turning Heads

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo may have received praise and admiration for his leadership after the coronavirus outbreak hit New York in 2020, but that's all in the past, thanks to some scandals that have come back to haunt him. The first involves how his administration reportedly withheld data on the number of COVID-19 deaths in New York's nursing homes. And now, he is under investigation by the New York Attorney General for a series of sexual harassment allegations (via The Gothamist). 

Governor Cuomo addressed these allegations for the first time in a press conference on Wednesday, March 3, where he apologized to his accusers, saying he was sorry for the pain he had caused. "I now understand that I acted in a way that made people feel uncomfortable. It was unintentional. And I truly and deeply apologize for it," he said (via The New York Times). "I feel awful about it and, frankly, I'm embarrassed by it, and that's not easy to say. But that's the truth." Cuomo also asked that people "wait for the facts" regarding the investigation. "I never touched anyone inappropriately. I never knew at the time that I was making anyone feel uncomfortable," he said. "And I certainly never meant to offend anyone or hurt anyone or cause anyone any pain. That is the last thing I would ever want to do." 

In spite of the controversy, Cuomo said he would not resign in the middle of what is now his third term. "I work for the people of New York," Cuomo said (via CNBC). "I'm going to do the job the people of the state elected me to."

Some social media users were quick to point out party double standards

Many on social media were quick to point out the double standard between the Republican and Democratic parties when it came to officials accused of sexual misconduct. Some in the Twittersphere pointed out how former President Donald Trump's numerous accusations of sexual misconduct were largely ignored and/or dismissed by members of his party before he became president and during his time in office (via  Intelligencer). Others theorized that calls for Cuomo's resignation were an attempt by Republicans to get a Republican to replace the governor, and subsequently pardon Donald Trump for any potential state crimes.

"Please don't resign @NYGovCuomo. It's clearly a setup," one person tweeted. "Don't let yourself and your position be railroaded by spurious Republicans trying to get a Republican governor to take your place to pardon Trump. Don't be held to an impossible standard that Rs are not held to."

Another Twitter user signaled support for the governor, writing, "I sniffed out something rotten in the state of Denmark as soon as the babbling reporters and pundits got going ... 'The former guy's' aggressive sexual behavior has never been handled this way." 

A third asked for time for a proper investigation to be conducted: "Let the facts come out. The timing of this seems REALLY suspicious. No more Al Franken hit jobs."
