Good Bones' Mina Starsiak Hawk Has Some Advice For Future Home Renovators - Exclusive

These days, it feels like every other show on TV is about renovating homes. From the classic HGTV shows to newer home rehab favorites like Dream Home Makeover, Stay Here, and Grand Design on Netflix, viewers are constantly bombarded by home transformations that look effortless and even fun. It's no wonder that countless individuals are deciding to forgo classic nine-to-five jobs in favor of the glamorous-seeming life of a home rehabber. But, is that wise? 

Mina Starsiak Hawk is undoubtedly a home renovation expert. One of the stars of HGTV's Good Bones, the Indianapolis native has been rehabbing houses in her hometown since 2007. And, as per her website bio, she completes more than 14 homes every year. Talk about experience. In an exclusive interview with Women Lifestyle, Starsiak Hawk doled out some valuable wisdom for those considering a foray into the world of home rehab. Here is her advice.

Mina Starsiak Hawk says that renovating homes 'is not as fun or easy as HGTV makes it'

In her interview with Women Lifestyle, Mina Starsiak Hawk revealed how happy she is that the Good Bones fan base is on the younger side. "It's really cool that so many of our fans are young kids that watch the show and like construction." She added, "I get lots of messages from parents, it's like, 'Sally, when it's nap time... She's five, all she wants to do is watch Good Bones.' It's fun." As fun as it is that little kids are interested in renovating homes, Starsiak Hawk wanted to make it clear that it's not as easy as her show makes it out to be.

In fact, when asked for her biggest piece of advice to future home renovators, she said, "Definitely is not as fun or easy as HGTV makes it. They take a six-month process, edit it down into 42 minutes of the best." It's that little white editing lie that leaves a lot of people in serious home rehab jams. "I think that's why they're those like, 'Help rescue me. I've messed up my house' shows,” Starsiak Hawk went on to say. "Because they make it look really easy and it's not, and everything can go wrong." Despite the difficulties, though, renovating homes can be extremely rewarding — as Mina Starsiak Hawk can personally attest. 

See Mina Starsiak Hawk on new episodes of Good Bones, Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET/PT on HGTV.
