Almost Half Of All Republicans Would Leave The GOP For This Surprising Reason

With all the talk of former president Donald Trump being a divider, it seems he may be breaking up another group. And although many headlines are centered around Trump's unpopularity — The Washington Post recently ran a story saying his presidency made democrats love Republicans they used to hate — almost half of GOPers support him and all he stands for, to the point that they would leave their party to follow Trump to a new one.

The Hill reports on a poll conducted by Suffolk University and USA Today that found a whopping 46 percent of Republicans would abandon ship and jump on board for a Trump party. Meanwhile, 27 percent say they would stay with the GOP, while the remaining 27 percent were undecided on the matter.

In an instance of a pro-Trump potential voter, one Milwaukee resident explained, "We feel like Republicans don't fight enough for us, and we all see Donald Trump fighting for us as hard as he can, every single day. But then you have establishment Republicans who just agree with establishment Democrats and everything, and they don't ever push back."

The poll reveals more jaw-dropping results about potential future Trump voters

Since he left office just over a month ago, talk of Trump forming his own party has been circulating, although the businessman-turned-politician is yet to confirm he plans to move in this direction. But the momentum is definitely there if this poll is any indication. Consider the rhetoric too that has long talked about Donald Trump forever changing the Republican party, with his son Eric Trump saying at the Save America Rally, "My father has started a movement, and this movement will never, ever die" (via Independent).

The poll also provided another statistic that should bolster Trump's aspirations to form his own party, if he's paying attention to it, that is. An astonishing 85 percent of respondents said they would vote for him if he were to run again in 2024, with 80 percent swearing they would not vote for a Republican who voted to impeach Trump. Needless to say, there is a deep rift in the Republican party, which was only exacerbated by the second impeachment outcome (via Financial Times).

It's worth noting some sources claim Trump is not planning to run again or form a third party — while others note we may see him on the ballot in four years, with Forbes reporting the leader is noncommittal at this time when asked about the idea.
