Jamie Lynn Spears Is Turning Heads With Her Latest Zoom Appearance

Since the airing of the New York Times documentary Framing Britney Spears, the #FreeBritney movement has taken on new life, and thanks to a huge win in court earlier this week, an anonymous source close to the Princess of Pop, herself, told Page Six, "Britney finally feels like there is light at the end of a very long, dark tunnel."

CBS reported that during a hearing on Thursday, February 11, an L.A. court ruled in favor of Spears' legal team giving a third party financial service equal control of the singer's finances with her father. This essentially takes sole financial control away from Jamie Spears, preventing him from making decisions on budgeting, spending and investments without input from the named entity, Bessemer Trust. While this is a huge step on the path of independence for the 39-year-old, the court denied her legal team's plea to remove her father from the conservatorship entirely, which means the battle is far from over.

While the hearing was taking place, Page Six reported that a virtual "Free Britney" rally was simultaneously organized to show support and solidarity for Spears. With well over 1,000 attendees, attorney Lisa MacCarley was there to offer court updates and a legal analysis of the conservatorship. To the delight and surprise of fans in attendance, Spears' younger sister Jamie Lynn Spears even logged on for about 10 minutes, but not everyone involved in the movement is sold on the younger Spears' motivations.

Many Britney Spears supporters are hesitant to trust Jamie Lynn

As Jamie Spears loses more and more control of the "Toxic" singer's finances, supporters of the #FreeBritney movement have pointed out that it's unclear how that will affect younger sister, Jamie Lynn Spears' lifestyle. Britney advocates are calling foul on the sibling's bandwagon attempt at support, which they claim is too-little-too-late, after being silent on her sister's plight for so long.

Page Six noted that Jamie Lynn's attendance at the virtual rally was greeted happily by fellow participants, but that's not the sentiment expressed on social media. One Reddit user harshly stated, "Literally earlier today I was thinking 'man, the way things are heading, Britney may get back in control of her finances — if I were one of her leech relatives I'd likely start pretending I am on her side if I want to keep my life afloat after a judge finally recognizes that her dad has been a creep.'"

It was worse on Twitter. One Spears supporter wrote, "Britney always supported you! Because of HER you are who you are, the Spears family would never be the Spears family without her and yet, you are doing absolutely nothing, SPEAK UP against your father instead of spending Britney's money with him." And another in the same vein wrote, "She is #TeamDaddy probably a #freeloader from our Britney's money. Is the only one who hasn't said anything about the whole issue!!!"

One good thing to come out of all of this, Britney Spears has a lot of people looking out for her now, and it's obvious they have no problem voicing their opinion on the matter.
