23% Of People Would Want To Spend Quarantine With This Celebrity Couple

Coronavirus quarantine is getting boring. Who is with us? That's why it can look like celebrity couples are having the time of their lives holed up in their glamorous homes. With that in mind, Women Lifestyle asked 652 people in the U.S. which star duo they would want to spend quarantine with. You know — cooking together, Netflix and chillin', braiding one another's hair. Okay, the last one maybe not. You'd have to feel out the vibe.

Meanwhile, it sure was entertaining to find out which celebrity couples the most people thought it would be a blast to quarantine with. The results of the survey may not surprise many, because the couple widely thought of as the most fun ever ranked at the top with our respondents. But a few of the couples may raise some eyebrows, only because, why didn't we think of them? In the end, every couple on the top of the list seems like fun to hang with when you can't leave the house. If only the dream to order in night after night with a few of our favorite stars could become a reality!

This celebrity couple outranked all the others when it came to who would be most fun to quarantine with

Beating out another celebrity couple by only a few percentage points was Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson, with 23 percent of the votes for the marrieds the most folks would want to be trapped in a house with during COVID-19. The Hankses have been wed since 1988, making them a solid pair to bake with and perhaps even chat about movies, life, and love with (via Oprah Mag).

Coming in at a close second place were none other than Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively. Duh! Nearly 23 percent of respondents said they were the couple to get cooped up with for an extended period of time. We'd do it! Because they are the best at making fun of one another on social media, so they'd obviously make quarantine hilarious, not to mention bearable. 

Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis got nearly 20 percent of votes, while naturally, Chrissy Teigen and John Legend pulled in over 16 percent. We'd totally hang with either of those celebrity couples for 10-plus days — or way longer if need be.

Finally, it should not shock anyone that Beyoncé and Jay-Z racked up nearly 8 percent of votes. Um, would they mind performing for us while we are all quarantined together? Meanwhile, a few other celebrity couples received honorable mentions from voters in the survey, with Donald and Melania Trump being mentioned several times, as well as Dax Shepard and Kristen Bell.
