Here's How Much Tony Romo Is Really Worth

Tony Romo's days of being the Dallas Cowboys' quarterback may be behind him, but the former NFL star is still earning the title of highest-paid, but this time it's for being a broadcaster. After retiring from the Cowboys in 2017, Romo went on to join the CBS team as "lead color analyst," according to Sporting News. From there, Romo has gone on to become a "genius commentator," who has a net worth of $70 million (per Celebrity Net Worth). 

Sporting News reports that despite $70 million being an impressive number, that may not be Romo's entire net worth. When Romo was playing in the NFL, he earned more than $127 million, which included endorsements from Pizza Hut to DIRECTV. However, instead of keeping all that money for himself, Romo has worked with several charities over the years, donating here and there. As Fox 4 News reported in 2017, while Romo may be most known for what he's done on the field, it's the selfless acts he's done off the field that have made the biggest impact.

Tony Romo now makes $17 million a year in broadcasting

Despite donating a good chunk of his net worth to charity, Tony Romo is still making an impressive amount of money each year. The quarterback-turned-sportscaster just signed a new contract with CBS last February that is valued at around $17 million a year (via Variety). That makes Romo the highest-paid sportscaster (per Sportscasting)

SB Nation believes Romo is worth that high price, because the former NFL quarterback can predict plays before they happen. Having the mindset of someone who played in the league for 14 seasons, Romo knows what he's talking about. Plus, he's an exciting commentator who can even make a cat running on the field must-see TV (via Twitter). 

That excitement even comes in handy when he predicts plays wrong, because his stunned reactions are just as entertaining (via Sports Illustrated). So, it seems Romo is worth the $100 million he will be earning over his new long-term contract, which will make his net worth even bigger than it already is today (via CNBC).
