Bill Clinton's Net Worth Isn't What You Think

Bill Clinton was the 42nd president of the United States, and even though some may mark him with a scarlet letter due to his entangling with Monica Lewinsky, the man has made a name for himself.

Following a new U.S. president's inauguration, it is always fun to take a walk back down memory lane at predecessors past. According to the White House, Bill Clinton attended Yale University and took office at the end of the Cold War. The Arkansas native was also the first baby-boomer generation president.

The president of the United States' current salary is $400,000 a year, which does not include an expense account of $50,000 (via The Balance). Former presidents receive a pension amongst other benefits when they leave their public service job. According to the National Taxpayers Union Foundation, the pension plan will have the president earning nearly $20,000 dollars a year. So what is Clinton worth now?

Clinton is worth a pretty penny

VOA News ranks Bill Clinton tenth on their list for the wealthiest presidents of all time. The former Arkansas governor is said to be worth a cool $75.9 million and made most of his money after leaving office. While serving in office from 1993 to 2001, he worked on his presidential duties and made some lasting connections. As reported by the outlet, the real money-maker for him was his autobiography, My Life, in which he earned $38 million between 2001 and 2015 (via Forbes).

Hillary Clinton also boosts her husband's net worth. As a former secretary of state, Clinton was given a $14 million advance for her own book, 2014's Hard Choices. The couple has easily made millions off their paid speeches, whether for a university or a Fortune 500 company. Even though in 2018, the former president told MSNBC that he left the White House with $16 million in debt thanks to legal fees, he seems to be laughing all the way to the bank now.

Bill Clinton's good deeds

While Forbes has reported that the couple raked in over $240 million in the past 15 years, former President Bill Clinton has also given back greatly to the country. Even though it has been 15 years since Clinton walked out of the West Wing for the last time, he still holds an immense presence on the world's stage.

Bill Clinton has been quite active with his philanthropic endeavors, which include The Clinton Foundation, which he founded in 1997. The charity focuses on everything from climate change to AIDS. The website tells visitors that they believe everyone has the right to a better life and has been working to deliver on their motto for more than two decades. The foundation "works with strategic partners to develop and implement programs that create economic opportunity, improve public health, and inspire civic engagement and service."

Forbes reports that 44% of Bill Clinton's net worth comes from speaking engagements, followed by earnings from writing, consulting, and advising a billionaire (Ron Burkle). The 42nd president doesn't seem to have any intention of slowing down anytime soon either and is looking toward the future to see what else he can bring to the table.
