This Biden-Obama Inaugural Moment Has The Internet Talking

Today, Joe Biden has been sworn in as the 46th president of the United States of America, and Kamala Harris, as the vice president. According to NBC News, the ceremony is taking place at the West Front of the Capitol, with around 1,000 socially distanced people in attendance, and this number includes former Presidents Barack Obama, George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton.

While the entire day is receiving a great deal of media attention and buzz, there have been some particular moments that really caught eyes and led to an array of social media posts.

As pointed out by NBC News, Barack Obama shared a fist bump with Kamala Harris, and The Washington Post shared that Harris fist bumped Michelle Obama, as well.

And Biden and Barack Obama got in on the action, too, as reported by CNBC, with a fist bump, something that has been seen before between the two but that seemed even more exciting on this big day.

Fist bumps are big at the inauguration and in the pandemic

In 2020, fist bumps became part of the norm, due to COVID-19. To avoid touching and spreading germs, many people swapped out hugs and handshakes for fist bumps.

Barack Obama, in particular, has been seen fist bumping with Michelle Obama, Joe Biden, and Greta Thunberg, to name a few. CNN has even made a montage of Obama's finest fist bumps in the past, so it was a great addition to today's inauguration.

From 2009 to 2017, Obama and Biden served as president and vice president, respectively. And today, Biden has become the president of the U.S., while Kamala Harris has become the first female vice president and the first person of color to be in the position since Charles Curtis, who served from 1929 to 1933, as reported by Forbes.

Since it is a special ceremony that marks a new term and a new time in the nation, everyone should probably get ready to see many more fist bumps and much more celebrating.
