39% Of Women Agree This Is The Worst Drugstore Makeup Brand

While many of us might adore browsing the aisles (or the online pages) of high-end cosmetics at places like Sephora and Ulta, sometimes we just have to grab what's budget-friendly and convenient at the drugstore while we're picking up toothpaste and baby powder. And in reality, some drugstore brands make products that are long-loved cult favorites, like L'Oreal Lash Paradise mascara, which scored a spot on The Every Girl's list. But not all drugstore brands are created equal, and our readers were happy to share their thoughts on what they consider the worst of these makeup lines.  

The most-loathed brand, according to 574 of our readers, is Wet n Wild, which earned a hefty 39 percent of the votes. Next-worst was L.A. Girl, with over 24 percent of respondents naming it as their least favorite. N.Y.C is in third place with over 12 percent, followed by E.L.F. and Cover Girl with 10 percent and 8 percent respectively. (5.57 percent selected the "Other" category.) Interestingly, other publications also have some complaints about these drugstore brands and may help illuminate why our readers are so unimpressed with these cosmetic lines.

The rest of the internet agrees with our results

Total Beauty rated Wet n Wild's Mega Plump mascara number seven on its list of worst drugstore products, citing feedback from customers like, "The brush is awkward to use, and the product ends up smudging and making you look like a raccoon by the end of your workday. I will not use it again," and " This mascara is one of the worst I've ever used. It doesn't plump the lashes like it claims. It just sticks and clumps instead, and is also a pain to remove." 

L.A. Girl also gets a lot of hate online. Reviews on Makeup Alley read like this one about the brand's Pastel Dream Auto Eyeliner: "I use them as a pop of color in the lower waterline but they have no pop. The aren't very bright when you first apply them. Just faded and lackluster. They also fade and disappear completely. Lavender was the worst. Powder blue was the best. But they were all bad and all got returned." Further, for the health-focused and green-minded, The Environmental Working Group also doesn't love L.A. Girl; not a single one of their makeup products rate better than a three on the organization's scale (one being safest), and many rate as high as a six.
