Here's What You Can Do To Lower Your Risk Of Miscarriage

Just like with anything else in life, there are risks associated with giving birth. For millions of women around the world, a miscarriage can bring one of the happiest periods of their life to a tragic end.

Unfortunately, miscarriages are much more common than one might guess, with 10 to 15 percent of pregnancies ending in miscarriage for women in their first trimester, and one to five percent of pregnancies ending in miscarriage for women in their second trimester (per March of Dimes).

Typically, the symptoms of a miscarriage are vaginal spotting or bleeding, pain or cramping in the abdomen and lower back, or fluid or tissue passing from the vagina (per the Mayo Clinic). Though miscarriages are usually caused by circumstances that are beyond the mother's control, there are certain behaviors and factors that are known to increase the risk of a miscarriage. Thankfully, many of these things can be eliminated.

Here are some ways to lower your risk of a miscarriage

Many lifestyle-related behaviors, like smoking, drinking alcohol, using drugs, or maintaining a poor, unbalanced diet throughout the pregnancy can increase the chances of miscarriage. Curbing or eliminating these behaviors during pregnancy is advised, and physicians also suggest steering clear of these habits even prior to pregnancy in order to lower the risk (via March of Dimes).

Limiting the amount of caffeine that you drink per day, at least during your pregnancy, can also benefit your unborn child, as it has been shown that consuming more than two caffeinated beverages per day is linked with a higher risk of miscarriage (per the Mayo Clinic).

Though these risk factors affect a smaller percentage, it is important to note that certain medicines, like acne drug Accutane, have also been shown to cause miscarriages. Additionally, exposure to radiation, harmful chemicals, and solvents, like paint thinners, can be harmful to your unborn baby (per the Cleveland Clinic).

If all of these lifestyle changes seem overwhelming, the Mayo Clinic also notes that expectant mothers can rest assured that exercise, sexual intercourse, working, and other routine activities do not cause a miscarriage.
