Here's What We Know About The Scary Johnny Depp Burglary Attempt

Once upon a time, the buzz about Johnny Depp was centered on his acting. Over the years, the actor has been praised for his over-the-top and varied movie roles: sweet and freaky Edward Scissorhands, murderous barber Sweeney Todd, eccentric candy genius Willy Wonka. Now, sadly, Depp is making headlines for reasons he'd probably just as soon forget, such as his contentious divorce from Amber Heard, in which accusations of physical violence and substance abuse reportedly flew on both sides (via USA Today). The drama led to his being dropped from his recurring role as Grindelwald in the Fantastic Beasts series, per TMZ. The most recent chapter in their split: Depp allegedly claims that his ex reneged on her vow to donate to charity all of the $7 million she received in the divorce settlement (per Daily Mail).

Now, to add to the actor's woes, it appears he's been the victim of a crime as daring as anything Captain Jack Sparrow could have pulled off. TMZ is reporting a break-in allegedly occurred at Depp's home just after the New Year. 

A suspect was quickly caught in the case

The entertainment outlet reported early on January 7 that Depp's Hollywood Hills home was the target of a break-in the previous weekend. The suspect, a woman who may be homeless, allegedly left after the alarm system went off, but was apprehended by police shortly afterward. She may also be linked to another robbery in the elite neighborhood. No details yet on whether anything was actually stolen from the house, but no one was harmed; Depp was not at the house at the time. 

The house in question appears to be the main residence of his five-home L.A. compound. The enormous tree-surrounded property has eight bedrooms and 10 bathrooms and is nearly 7,500 square feet, per Velvet Ropes. But this mansion seems like a matchbox by comparison to some of his other properties, such as his 15-bedroom estate in Saint-Tropez and the three islands he owns in the Bahamas (via Business Insider). 

Law enforcement officials will likely release further details about the alleged burglar and burglary as they occur; as of now, Depp is also remaining silent about the incident. 
