The Real Reason George W. Bush Will Attend Joe Biden's Inauguration

While the world is still speculating whether outgoing President Donald Trump might be attending President-elect Joe Biden's inauguration on Jan. 20 — we know there will be at least one prominent Republican who will be at the event: former President George W. Bush, who is now the only living Republican former Commander-in-Chief. Bush's presence at the event was confirmed by his chief of staff, Freddy Ford, who tweeted, "President and Mrs. Bush look forward to returning to the Capitol for the swearing in of President Biden and Vice President Harris."

Former President and Mrs. Bush, who live in Texas and who have stayed out of politics, have made it a point to go to every single inauguration since 2009. Ford wrote, "I believe this will be the eighth inauguration they've had the privilege of attending — President Trump's being the most recent — and witnessing the peaceful transfer of power is a hallmark of our democracy that never gets old." 

Social media applauded the timing of the George W. Bush announcement

Social media lauded the Bushes for their decision to be present at the event, many of whom saw significance in the timing and tone of the announcement. One Twitter user simply said, "This is a great symbolic gesture. Good news." Another expressed himself more eloquently, tweeting, "Thank you Mr President. I know many on the left despised Bush and I am one who thinks his war in Iraq was a blunder of epic proportions. However – I never doubted he was a good man with good intentions. We now see the difference between a good man in Bush and bad man in Trump."

Ford's confirmation that the Bushes would attend the Biden inauguration comes on the eve of a session by joint houses of Congress to confirm Joe Biden and Kamala Harris' victory in the polls, CNBC. It was not lost on social media that Bush's own victory, which also came under a cloud, was confirmed by his opponent Al Gore two decades ago. Some even took pains to unearth the video showing Gore declaring Bush's victory as a reminder perhaps, of less partisan days not too long ago.
