The Best And Worst Days Of Meghan Markle's Life

To any royal fan, it's clear that Meghan Markle's life has been filled with ups and downs. From the dizzying heights of her wedding day to the horrific lows of the day of her miscarriage, the public has watched as Meghan has embarked on the difficult journey of becoming a member of the royal family.

One thing's for sure: being a member of The Firm isn't always easy. Taking a quick look at the tragic story of Princess Diana makes that clear. With the press constantly hounding Meghan, she's had to adjust to being in the public eye almost 24/7. She also had to give up her old life in America where she was a successful actress. However, despite the downsides of royal life, Meghan has also had some great times in recent years, too. She's become a mother and started a new life with her family in the States, after breaking away from the royal family. Curious to find out more? Here are the best and worst days of Meghan Markle's life.

Best day: When Prince Harry proposed to Meghan Markle

We think it's probably safe to say that the day that Prince Harry proposed was one of the happiest of Meghan Markle's life. This was before she'd realized just how tough life in the public eye would be — all she knew was that she was about to spend the rest of her life with the man she loved.

In their engagement interview with the BBC in November 2017, the couple told the adorable story of how Harry proposed. "It happened a few weeks ago, earlier this month, here at our cottage, just a standard typical night for us," Harry said, setting the scene. Meghan added, "Just a cozy night, it was — what were we doing — just roasting chicken." Apparently, they were cooking together when Harry suddenly dropped to one knee. "Just an amazing surprise," Meghan recalled. "It was so sweet and natural and very romantic."

Meghan went on to explain that she was so eager to say yes that she almost interrupted the proposal. "She didn't even let me finish," Harry remembered. "She said, 'Can I say yes? Can I say yes?'" How adorable!

Worst day: When the press found out Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were dating

At the beginning of their relationship, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were able to enjoy a fairly normal courtship — falling in love as any couple would, without the constant pressure of the paparazzi. However, when the press caught on to the relationship in 2016, everything changed for Meghan.

As the BBC reported, the press were quick to pounce on Meghan after the relationship became public. Apparently, Harry was quick to attack the media. He and Meghan were even forced to fight "nightly legal battles to keep defamatory stories out of papers." Stories even emerged of reporters trying to break into Meghan's home.

As Meghan revealed in a now infamous ITV interview, the press quickly became one of the most difficult things she'd ever dealt with in her life. When she had started dating Harry, her friends had said, "The British tabloids will destroy your life." While she didn't realize it at the time, her friends ended up being right. From the moment they discovered her relationship with Harry, her life was changed forever — and sadly, not for the better.

Best day: Getting cast on Suits

Before Meghan Markle married into the royal family, she was a successful Hollywood actress. And before that, she was just like any other aspiring actress in Hollywood. She worked a series of odd jobs while auditioning for pilot after pilot, waiting for her big break. She reportedly worked as a freelance calligrapher and even spent time as a model on "Deal Or No Deal." She even confessed that she had lied to casting directors in the past to get roles (via Daily Mail).

We think it's safe to say that when Meghan was cast in "Suits," she finally made it as an actor — her dreams had come true. As she wrote in 2016 for Elle, "My mom is sitting in my trailer, on a show in which I am a lead character, and that has a viewership of more than 1.7 million. It's surreal. We never would have dreamed that this would be my reality." It's clear that the star was thrilled to have finally made it as an actress.

Worst day: The last day of Meghan Markle's royal tour of South Africa

During her life as a member of the royal family, Meghan Markle has had some good times and some bad times. One of the hardest experiences seems to have been her trip to South Africa with Prince Harry. At the time, she had just given birth to Archie, so, she was, quite understandably, completely exhausted. On the final day of the tour, Meghan opened up about her mental health during an ITV interview, famously revealing she wasn't okay.

In an appearance on the "Teenager Therapy" podcast (via Harper's Bazaar) one year later, Meghan spoke about the day of the interview. "We were on a tour in South Africa and on the last day of the tour, man I was tired." She went on, "I was just about to give Archie a bath ... I was exhausted." Harry chimed in, "She was still breastfeeding at the time." Apparently, she was even feeding Archie between engagements. As Meghan went on to explain, the famous interview was the result of her exhaustion — it's safe to say that Meghan would look back on that tour with not-so-fond memories.

Best day: The royal wedding

Meghan Markle's wedding to Prince Harry was easily one of the biggest weddings in royal history. For Meghan, the wedding was her chance to take the next step with Harry. On the day, Harry and Meghan wrote on Instagram, "Thank you for all of the love and support from so many of you around the world. Each of you made this day even more meaningful." It's clear that it was a day neither will ever forget (via "Good Morning America").

Meghan explained her side of the story in an audio guide, as reported by Cosmopolitan. "A great level of detail went into the planning of our wedding day," she said. "We knew how large the scale of the event would be, so in making choices that were really personal and meaningful, it could make the whole experience feel intimate." Meghan's wedding dress even contained a scrap of fabric from the outfit she wore on her first date with Harry. Sounds like this couple put a lot of thought into their wedding day — and that the day meant a lot to them both!

Worst day: When Meghan Markle had a miscarriage after the birth of Archie

In 2020, Meghan Markle wrote a remarkable piece for The New York Times, in which she opened up about her devastating miscarriage that same year. Apparently, the miscarriage happened as she was changing son Archie's diaper. "After changing his diaper, I felt a sharp cramp. I dropped to the floor with him in my arms," she wrote, "humming a lullaby to keep us both calm, the cheerful tune a stark contrast to my sense that something was not right."

In the article, Meghan went on to describe how horrible the miscarriage was for her. "Losing a child means carrying an almost unbearable grief, experienced by many but talked about by few." She went on to explain that the event taught her the stark reality about just how frequent miscarriages really are — in fact, 10 to 20% of women experience them, as she wrote. We think it's clear that the day she lost this second child was one of the worst of her life.

Best day: Giving birth to Archie

In 2019, Meghan Markle gave birth to her first child, Archie. It's clear that Meghan is a doting mother — and Archie's birth has most certainly changed her life. It's safe to say that May 6, 2019, was one of the best days of her life, as she welcomed her son into the world. As Prince Harry said at the time, "It's been the most amazing experience I could ever have possibly imagined" (via The Sun).

During Fortune's virtual summit in 2020, she explained just how much she had changed since becoming a mother. "It makes you more courageous, it makes you so concerned for the world they're going to inherit," she said (via People). As she went on to explain, motherhood had made her begin to think more seriously about how she would make the world a better place for her son. "I wouldn't be able to feel proud of myself as a mom if I didn't know that I wasn't doing my part to make it a better place for him," she said. It sounds like Meghan's life really did change for the better with the birth of Archie.

Worst day: When Meghan Markle's father decided not to attend her wedding

Meghan Markle has had a pretty complicated relationship with her father, Thomas Markle. In an essay for Elle in 2016, Meghan called him "the most hardworking father." However, in the lead-up to Meghan's wedding, things got quite tense between Meghan and her father. He reportedly staged paparazzi photos, which are said to have embarrassed Meghan and the royal family.

Shortly after this, he suffered a heart attack, and it was announced two days before the big day that he would be unable to attend his daughter's wedding. Meghan wrote at the time, "Sadly, my father will not be attending our wedding. I have always cared for my father and hope he can be given the space he needs to focus on his health." At the time, an announcement from Kensington Palace said, "This is a deeply personal moment for Ms. Markle in the days before her wedding." It's clear that it was heartbreaking for the bride-to-be to realize that her father wouldn't be able to walk her down the aisle — even if his mistakes with the press had made their relationship more complicated (via The Sun).

Best day: Moving to the States

After a difficult few years working as a full-time member of the royal family, Meghan Markle stepped back from royal life, moving with her family first to Canada and then back to the States. For Meghan, this meant some much-needed respite and the chance of a more normal life. In an interview with ET Canada, in 2020, Meghan said, "It's good to be home."

Not only did Meghan return to her old country, she also got to return to her old way of life. Later in 2020, it was announced that Meghan and Harry would take on a huge producing deal with Netflix — Meghan would be returning to her old world of film and TV. It seems that the family's move away from the royal family and their return to the United States has been a huge positive for Meghan. By the sounds of things, her future looks a lot more hopeful than it once did.

Worst day: Meghan Markle's final royal engagement

Even though it's no secret that royal life wasn't exactly what Meghan Markle hoped it would be, it's clear that she found it hard to say goodbye to her husband's family and traditions. In fact, the day of her final royal engagements was probably one of the hardest days of her life. According to a journalist from Harper's Bazaar, Meghan's final official event came the day before the couple's big move across the Atlantic. As the journalist revealed, Meghan was close to tears on the day. As she put it, "Tears glisten in those bright friendly eyes that have charmed and endeared so many during recent days" (via Evening Standard).

In the book "Finding Freedom," royal reporters Omid Scobie and Carolyn Durand went into more detail about the emotional days prior to Meghan and Prince Harry's departure. Apparently, after a final event, Meghan couldn't hold in the emotions any more and apparently cried in front of a few reporters. "'I can't believe this is it,' [Meghan] said, hugging one of the young female aides she had become close with" (via SheKnows). It's evident that leaving the royal family was incredibly difficult for Meghan.

Best day: Traveling to Rwanda for UN Women

Before marrying into the royal family, Meghan Markle was an actress — but she was also an activist who was extremely involved in charity work. In a 2016 essay for Elle, Meghan explained how rewarding and important her philanthropy had been for her. She recalled how, in 2015, she had traveled to a refugee camp in Rwanda as a UN Women advocate. "I had a week of meetings with female parliamentarians in the city's capital, Kigali, celebrating the fact that 64 percent of the Rwandan government are women," she said. Toward the end of her trip, she received an invitation to the BAFTA awards, and she went on to explain that she found it hard to accept as it felt like such a different world to Rwanda.

It's clear that for Meghan, traveling around the world was a crucial part of building her sense of self-worth. As she put it, "When I share my photos with my friends, they note that I never look happier than I do when I am on field missions. It's a different smile than the one for the paparazzi — it doesn't require any retouching."

Worst day: When Meghan Markle had to quit acting

Falling in love with Prince Harry must have been a bittersweet experience for Meghan Markle. While she and her husband are clearly very happy together, marrying into the royal family did come with some downsides. In addition to the downside of the constant press attention, Meghan also gave up her acting career when she married Harry.

Meghan explained that her decision to quit her profession wasn't entirely sad in her engagement interview. "What's been really exciting, as we talk about this as the transition out of my career ... is that the causes that have been very important to me, I can focus even more energy on," she said.

However, since stepping back from the royal family, Meghan has reportedly begun to think about returning to the world of acting. As a friend told The Sun in March 2020, "At the moment she is loving spending time with Archie and settling into her new life with Harry back home in Canada." They added, "But Meghan remains hugely ambitious and is very open minded to a return to acting which is what she knows, loves, and does best." Sounds like she's really missed performing!

Best day: Meghan Markle's first date with Harry

Anyone who sees Meghan Markle and Prince Harry together has to admit that they are totally in love. As Harry once said, he knew that Meghan was the one from their first date — but what about Meghan? According to the book "Finding Freedom" by Omid Scobie and Carolyn Durand (via Sky), the date lasted three hours — and they even arranged their second date for the very next night!

As the book reads, "'Almost immediately they were almost obsessed with each other,'" a friend said." At the end of the date, the couple kept things PG, with "no goodbye kiss, no expectation" — but both were sure they'd see each other again. Apparently, after their first date, Meghan called a friend to say, "Do I sound crazy when I say this could have legs?" It sounds like Meghan was smitten from day one! And there's no doubt about it — her first date with Harry certainly changed her life for the better!

Worst day: Watching the pain involved as the BLM movement unfolded in the States

In 2020, protests erupted around the world in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. There were also counter-protests in some areas. It was a violent, dangerous, and upsetting time for many people, particularly in the United States. For Meghan Markle, the BLM movement was especially difficult to observe. In an interview with 19thNews, Meghan said, "It was so sad to see where our country was in that moment."

While she found the division and racism in the country hard to watch, she was able to take some positives from the movement. "If there's any silver lining in that, I would say that in the weeks after the murder of George Floyd, in the peaceful protests that you were seeing, in the voices that were coming out, in the way that people were actually owning their role ... it shifted from sadness to a feeling of absolute inspiration, because I can see that the tide is turning" (via Mirror).

Best day: The day her daughter was born

As any mother will probably tell you, giving birth is an emotional experience. At the end of a harrowing ordeal, you are left exhausted with a brand new member of your family in your arms. So, it's safe to say that June 4, 2021, the day Meghan Markle gave birth to her second child, was one of the best days of her life. The baby girl was named Lilibet "Lili" Diana Mountbatten-Windsor after her great-grandmother and grandmother, as noted by the BBC.

In their famous March 2021 interview with Oprah Winfrey prior to the birth of their daughter, Meghan and Prince Harry revealed the gender of their baby. Clearly, Meghan, who was grinning from ear to ear and clapping her hands, was over the moon about the prospect of having a daughter. And in a speech shown during Global Citizen's "VAX LIVE" event, Meghan spoke about the upcoming birth of her daughter, saying that she and her husband were "thrilled."

The family released a statement at the time of her birth. "She is more than we could have ever imagined," it read, "and we remain grateful for the love and prayers we've felt from across the globe."

Worst day: When Meghan learned someone in the royal family had this shocking concern

As a woman of mixed race, Meghan Markle received a huge amount of racist criticism from the press when she married into Britain's royal family. Sadly, it seems that she was also on the receiving end of some racist comments from members of the family too. In her shocking 2021 interview with Oprah Winfrey (via ET Canada), Meghan revealed that the "Firm," as the family are known, didn't want to make her first child, Archie, a prince. She also explained that an unnamed member of the family had expressed "concerns" about her future child's skin tone to Prince Harry.

Meghan said there were "concerns and conversations about how dark his skin might be when he was born." She added, "There are several conversations." Apparently, the conversation had occurred between Harry and someone in the family, although Meghan didn't want to say who that person was. It's pretty safe to say that when Meghan heard about these horrible comments from her own family, she would have had a truly terrible day.

Best day: When Meghan Markle became a published children's author

It's clear that Meghan Markle is a deeply creative person. Although she had to give up acting when she joined the royal family, she has continued with other creative projects. One of her most exciting projects was the children's book "The Bench." As she revealed to NPR in June 2021, the book was inspired by her first Father's Day gift to Prince Harry after the birth of their son. "As most of us do, you go, what am I going to get them as a gift? And I thought I just wanted something sentimental and a place for him to have as a bit of a home base with our son," she recalled. In the end, she wrote a poem for Harry and had it engraved on a plaque that was placed on a bench. She later expanded the poem into a full children's book about fathers and sons.

We think that writing and releasing this book would have given Meghan a lot of joy. For one thing, the story was immensely personal, but Meghan also got to represent all kinds of different families in the book. The day of the release of this very special book is something Meghan will probably never forget.

Worst day: When Meghan Markle was accused of bullying in the run-up to her Oprah interview

The summer of 2021 was certainly a tumultuous time for Meghan Markle and her family. Not only was she pregnant with her second child, but she was also gearing up for a huge public interview with Oprah Winfrey that promised to reveal several shocking secrets about her time living in the U.K. as part of the royal family.

Preparing for the interview was undoubtedly a stressful experience. So, when members of her old staff team publicly accused her of workplace bullying just a few days before the interview, it seems that Meghan was overwhelmed. In the Oprah Winfrey docuseries "The Me You Can't See" (via Entertainment Tonight), Prince Harry said that Meghan had broken down in tears after she heard about the accusations. Apparently, he woke up to find her crying quietly in the middle of the night. 

Meghan has denied all of the bullying accusations, though we think we can safely say that this day was one of the hardest of her life.

Best day: The day after her March 2021 Oprah Winfrey interview

While doing the explosive "tell-all" interview with Oprah Winfrey in 2021 couldn't have been an easy experience for Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, it's clear that it was something she felt she had to do. In fact, in the epilogue to the book "Finding Freedom," it was revealed that Meghan felt that a huge weight had been lifted off her chest when the interview was over.

One source told the book's authors that the interview had been "cathartic" for her. "All the things she had kept to herself or been too afraid to say [as a working member of the royal family] she felt safe to finally share. It was liberating," the source said (via Independent). It sounds like getting the truth out about her experience with the royal family was exactly what Meghan needed. She must have felt pretty amazing when it was all done!

Worst day: When Meghan didn't receive support for her first child

Giving birth to a member of the royal family was a hugely stressful ordeal for Meghan Markle. She had already experienced the obsessive attention of the British press, so she knew her child was not in for an easy life. However, she had always believed that the royal family would support her and her children.

As Meghan revealed in her 2021 interview with Oprah Winfrey, she was shocked to learn that her future child wouldn't receive the protection and respect she thought they deserved. First of all, she learned that her child wouldn't be made a prince or princess. She was also told that because her child wouldn't have a title, they also wouldn't get any security.

For Meghan, this was terrible news. "Okay, well, he needs to be safe so we're not saying don't make him a prince or princess, but if you're saying the title is what's going to affect that protection, we haven't created this monster machine around us in terms of clickbait and tabloid fodder you've allowed that to happen which means our son needs to be safe," she remembered thinking, as she told Winfrey (via Elle). That must have been a difficult day for Meghan.
