How Prince Philip Will Celebrate His 100th Birthday

Queen Elizabeth II's husband, Prince Philip, is set to celebrate a huge milestone next year. The royal will turn 100 on June 10, 2021, but don't expect a big party to commemorate the special occasion. While preparations for the event are expected to start in the new year, Prince Philip reportedly does not want a big deal made out of his birthday.

"Let's just say we have a rather reluctant celebrant," a source told The Telegraph. "You can't do something if someone doesn't want something doing."

Per The New York Times, the monarch's husband retired from public life in 2017. While he does still make the occasional public appearance, for the most part, he is enjoying his retirement and reportedly does not want to be thrust into the spotlight for his birthday. "He's retired, he's stepped back, he doesn't want the fuss," a source told The Telegraph. "You can't blame him."

Prince Philip will be the first royal consort to turn 100

While getting the royal to agree to a public celebration of his birthday might be a challenge, he will still likely spend some time with his family on the special day. He will also receive a telegram from his wife, as Queen Elizabeth traditionally congratulates each British citizen who turns 100 with one.

Queen Elizabeth's mother celebrated her 100th birthday decades ago with a procession and an appearance on the balcony at Buckingham Palace, so it's likely that Prince Philip's birthday festivities will consist of something similar — should he agree to it. Prince Philip will be the first male royal to become a centenarian, as well as the first royal consort to reach the age of 100. It's an age he once told The Telegraph he had "no desire whatsoever" to see.

"I can't imagine anything worse," he joked when he was 80. "Bits of me are falling off already."
