Kate Hudson Reveals Why Kissing Matthew McConaughey Was So Awkward

Kate Hudson and Matthew McConaughey have made for some romantic comedy gold, but the chemistry isn't there in real life. The two have had a lovely friendship after starring in movies such as How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days and Fool's Gold together. "I think it's fun [for audiences] to see us [on the big screen]. They want us to hook up, but they don't want us to," McConaughey quipped in a 2008 conversation with Hudson for Glamour.

They're such good friends, in fact, that they can poke fun at the fact that they have zero physical chemistry. The subject came up in October when Hudson appeared on buddy Gwyneth Paltrow's Goop podcast. Paltrow asks Hudson about her best on-screen kisses, and she's quick to give McConaughey a not-so-stellar review. "Every time I kiss McConaughey, I mean, it's like there's just something happening, and there's like snot or wind," she said. "Like when we were kissing, like in the end of Fool's Gold, we're like in the ocean, we had the plane crash, he just had snot all over his face."

Paltrow asked if it felt like Hudson was kissing her brother. "I think it can be a little sibling-y at times. But no," she said. Thankfully, McConaughey was confident enough to provide some context that clears his name.

Matthew McConaughey managed to provide some context

McConaughey spoke to Yahoo! Entertainment and explained why he wasn't surprised by Hudson's assessment. "It's like, 'OK, here's the scene: You've just jumped from the helicopter. You're in the middle of the ocean. You go under the water, so on action, go into the water and then come up out of the water like you're gasping for air,'" he explained, imitating a crew member. "You're glad to be alive! Then you look at each other and you swim to each other and [go] into an embrace."

But in reality, that's not a picture-perfect set-up for romance. "Well, there's a lot of salt water and snot and all kinds of stuff that are in between those, and so you're doing that and you're like, 'OK, I think that worked, but did that look any good?' [They're] like, 'No, we better do another take.' So there were always, like, elements that made it harder ... We never got to have our nice romantic kiss, yeah."

Then, he realized that'd been the situation in most scenes where they kiss. "Kate and I's kisses have been awkward," McConaughey says. "We're still like, hey, can we ever get a kiss where it's just like the temperatures, right? The ocean's not wiping us away? Nobody's dropping stuff on us, above our head?"
