When You Lift Weights Every Day, This Is What Happens To Your Body

No matter what your fitness goals may be, it's likely that lifting weights in some capacity is a part of your fitness plan. Especially for those who want to blast fat and get in shape without doing burpees and sprints, strength training is the obvious choice. Along with numerous other benefits, strength training, or weightlifting, will burn more fat, tone muscles more quickly, and burn more calories than the average cardio workout (via Shape). There are also long-term benefits that come from lifting weights on a more frequent basis. Adding weights to your workout can also strengthen your bones, keep your heart healthy, and increase your overall flexibility.

For beginners and those recovering from a recent injury, the use of weight machines is easily the safest option as the opportunity to over- or under-extend the joints is minimal on these regimented machines (per Cooper Aerobics). And while there are many benefits that come with lifting weights, just like with anything else, implementing weights into your fitness plan must be done in moderation.

There are downsides to lifting weights every day

While this form of consistent and safe training can generate many health benefits, including better cognition and improved quality of life, lifting weights every day does not give your muscles that critical rest period that they need, resulting in a number of negative symptoms (per Livestrong). As it turns out, your muscles don't actually get stronger while you're pumping iron — they get stronger during those rest periods in between workouts. Credit goes to a process called protein synthesis. During this process, the body's cells make proteins, which encourage the growth of strong muscles.

When you fail to give your muscles at least one day of rest between heavy workouts, it decreases the amount of time that your body's cells have to recover and form new proteins. If one muscle group is especially sore, it's because it is still recovering from the tough workout that you put it though earlier. In other words, fighting through soreness does your body no favors.

To avoid the negative symptoms of lifting weights everyday, like excessive fatigue, reduced performance, mood and sleep disturbances, and nagging injuries, try to give each muscle group at least one day of rest between each weightlifting workout.
