What You Never Knew About Nancy Pelosi's Daughter Alexandra

Congresswoman and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is best known for being the most powerful woman in American politics (via BBC). This is particularly impressive because she didn't officially launch her career and run for Congress until her youngest child, Alexandra Pelosi, was a senior in high school, as reported by the Huffington Post. According to the outlet, the mom of five even asked for Alexandra's blessing before she made the decision and promised that she would stay home if that's what her daughter wanted. Nancy recalls Alexandra's succinct response, "Mom, get a life. What teenage girl wouldn't want her mom out of the house three nights a week."

Today, Alexandra has two children of her own and has forged a successful career path. Read on to learn more about her personal and professional life.

Alexandra Pelosi is a successful journalist and documentary filmmaker

Alexandra Pelosi comes from a long line of successful Democrat politicians (via Baltimore Sun), but as a journalist, she is far more interested in speaking with those who hold opposing viewpoints. Her first documentary film, 2002's Journeys With George, was the result of her time as an embed on the George W. Bush campaign plane, as reported by The New York Times. She went on to make documentaries based on her interviews with evangelicals and Tea Party members in America.

To create her 2018 documentary, Outside the Bubble: On the Road With Alexandra Pelosi (via HBO), she traveled to states and counties that went red in 2016 and spoke to Donald Trump voters about everything from immigration to abortion. Pelosi's most recent film, American Selfie (via WBUR), focuses on social media and the deep ideological divide in the country.

The Pelosi family is tight-knit

Alexandra Pelosi grew up in San Francisco, but today she resides in New York City with her husband and two sons (via New York Post). Although she has no political ambitions of her own, Alexandra and her children spend plenty of time with Nancy Pelosi. In fact, her youngest son, Thomas, made the news during the 2017 battle to repeal Obamacare when he headed over to reporters for a chat.

"It's not going to pass," Thomas informed the press. "[Paul Ryan] doesn't have the votes" (via Politico).
