Trump's Potential Moving Plans Has Mar-A-Lago Residents Seeing Red

People reports that renovations are underway in Trump's 2,0000 square foot Mar-a-Lago quarters, which will, per the news outlet's sources "be expanded and spruced up" to make it "more modern and comfortable for his use." Page Six is whispering that Melania Trump might send Barron to Fort Lauderdale's Pine Crest School, although enrollment would purportedly cost the Trumps $35,150 a year and the president's personal and business tax returns. And ABC News is reporting that sources have told them that the Trumps are asking whether their Secret Service detail might want to relocate to Palm Beach.

Any Secret Service agents who were looking forward to spending some time on Florida's beaches, however, might be re-thinking their plans now. Because, according to The Washington Post, they've just received a letter from Palm Beach residents demanding that Trump stay away.

The letter that Palm Beach residents sent to the Secret Service

The Washington Post reports that the letter in question, which was also delivered to the town of Palm Beach, demands that Palm Beach enforce the agreement that Trump made in 1993 when Mar-a-Lago officially became a private club. Under it, Trump no longer has the right to call Mar-a-Lago home. Mar-a-Lago's club members, furthermore, are permitted to use their suites for only 21 days per year and no longer than one full week, consecutively.

Trump, however, seems unconcerned with his past promises. "If I lost [the election], I would say, 'I lost.' And I'd go to Florida," Trump said in a December 2020 rally. "I'd take it easy, and I'd go around and I'd say, 'I did a good job'" (via Tampa Bay Times). Sources have told People that the sitting president will likely move to Palm Beach because "No matter what else is happening in the world, [Donald Trump] is treated like royalty at Mar-a-Lago. He loves to be here."

Regardless of how he's is treated inside the walls of his private resort, many of his neighbors are seeing red. "Basically [Trump is] playing a dead hand," Palm Beach homeowner Glenn Zeitz told The Post, "He's not going to intimidate or bluff people because we're going to be there." Zeitz's rhetoric mirrors the wording of the letter in question, which suggested that Trump shouldn't move into Mar-a-Lago if he wishes to "avoid an embarrassing situation."
