What Kamala Harris' Life Will Be Like When She Is VP

Kamala Harris' life will change in many ways once she is sworn in as the vice president. One of the most obvious, of course, is that the California senator will have to resign her Senate seat and move across the country to Washington D.C. She'll also be getting a salary boostUSA Today reported that Vice President Mike Pence earned $230,700 in 2019, and it's likely Harris will receive around the same amount.

Harris will be able to save a large chunk of that money as her new job comes with new digs and she'll be spending her time in office living at the vice presidential mansion at 1 Observatory Circle.

"It's a wonderful home," former Vice President Dan Quayle told Indy Star of the palatial residence. "It's a great location. President Bush used to tell me that as far as living in the White House or living in the vice presidential residence, he'd choose the vice presidential residence over the White House."

Kamala Harris will have lots of perks as vice president

As noted by Business Insider, as vice president Harris will also have access to Air Force 2 as well as armored cars, so she'll be able to travel in style. Of course, she'll also be in the public eye more than ever and need Secret Service protection — something some might argue is a drawback.

With great power comes great responsibility and Harris will be kept quite busy as vice president. There's also the question of what she will do when her time in office is up. Many think that President-elect Joe Biden will retire after one term in office paving the way for Harris to run for president again, noted Politico.

Her tenure as VP increases Harris' chances of winning should she run for the top job in the future. "Not many sitting vice presidents end up being elected president," vice presidential scholar Joel Goldstein told Indy Star. "But your chance of being elected president as a sitting vice president are greater than your chance of being elected president as governor of Indiana or senator from Indiana."
