Taylor Swift Offers Heartwarming Message And Donation To Moms Hurt By The Pandemic

A Washington Post article about unemployed Americans who are heading into the holidays in debt caught the eyes of many — and of one very famous person in particular. The piece featured two moms, one of whom is Nikki Cornwell of Nashville, Tennessee, who lost her job in March, and told the paper, "I am behind on my rent. I will get evicted soon with my kids who are in virtual school and need Internet. I've had bad moments, but never anything like this." The single mother also suffered from a bout of COVID-19 in May and is still recovering.

The other mom was Shelbie Selewski of McComb County, Michigan, who also lost her job, and has two kids, one of whom has a serious medical condition that puts the baby at risk for complications from coronavirus. She told the outlet, "It has been the worst year ever. I've watched everything I've worked for go away. Every time I paid something and felt some peace, it felt like I got a utility shut-off notice three days later."

Taylor Swift felt moved by the moms' stories

The famous set of eyes that read about these struggling mothers belonged to none other than Taylor Swift, who felt moved to act. ET Online reports that the singer donated $13,000 to each of their GoFundMe campaigns. Selewski, whose campaign has raised over $20,000 at time of writing, received this personal note from the famous performer: "Shelbie, I'm sending you this gift after reading about you in the Washington Post. No one should have to feel the kind of stress that's been put on you. I hope you and your beautiful family have a great holiday season. Love, Taylor."

Meanwhile, Cornwell's campaign has raised over $22,000 and along with the donation, she too received a personal note from Swift, reading, "Nikki, I read about you in the Washington Post and thought it was really brave of you to share your story. I'm so sorry for everything you've had to go through this year and wanted to send you this gift, from one Nashville girl to another. Love, Taylor."

"This is so amazing! This has been the biggest blessing and our family is absolutely shocked," Selewski shared on her page in response (via Fox News).
