Why Ivanka Trump's Mount Rushmore Post Has The Internet Talking

Ivanka Trump tweeted out a photo of her father on Monday that is causing quite a conversation on Twitter. Back in July, Donald Trump travelled to South Dakota for an Independence Day fireworks celebration at Mount Rushmore. During his visit, a photo was snapped of Trump smiling ear to ear as he stood in front of the mountain of former presidents. Ivanka tweeted the photo, writing, "Amazing photo of @realDonaldTrump during his visit to Mount Rushmore on July 3, 2020" (via Market Watch). The photo collected some positive responses, with one Twitter user even commenting, "Ivanka, if there ever was a president that deserved to be on Mount Rushmore it's your father."

In August, The New York Times reported that during a meeting in the Oval Office, Trump had talked with Kristi Noem, the governor of South Dakota, about the possibility of adding his face to the mountainside. Noem said she assumed the president was joking — but he was completely serious. "I started laughing," she said. "He wasn't laughing, so he was totally serious." Noam added that Trump said it was a "dream" of his to have his face on Mount Rushmore some day (via the Argus Leader).

Ivanka's photo seemed to offend many Twitter users by implying that Trump belonged on Mount Rushmore

Trump vehemently rejected all of this being true. In response to CNN tweeting about The NY Times' report, Trump said, "This is Fake News by the failing @nytimes & bad ratings @CNN. Never suggested it although, based on all of the many things accomplished during the first 3 1/2 years, perhaps more than any other Presidency, sounds like a good idea to me!" (via Twitter). And yet, despite his denial, he couldn't help but tweet out a photo of his dream coming to life.

The internet appeared to be pretty decided about how they felt about Trump being added to Mount Rushmore: They're not interested. One Twitter user wrote, "I am pretty sure that a one-term president that lost the popular vote twice and sat back while 300,000 Americans died is not going to have his face on Mt. Rushmore." Another person tweeted that it is "truly embarrassing & shameful that a sitting president would either joke or seriously suggest that their image be added to Mount Rushmore."

Even Noem couldn't help but laugh when asked about the conversation regarding Mount Rushmore that she had with Trump (via the Argus Leader).
