This Is How Sienna Miller Really Felt When Jude Law Cheated

Who will every forget when news broke that actor Jude Law had cheated on his beautiful fiancé Sienna Miller back in 2005 (via Insider)? Worse yet, the star had been unfaithful with his children's nanny — Law has two kids with his ex-wife Sadie Frost, named Rafferty and Iris (via Mamma Mia). As the Daily Beast noted, chaos ensued, at least in tabloid world. Miller, who was starring in a London production of As You Like It, now admits in a recent interview with the outlet, "That was one of the most challenging moments I hope I'll ever have to experience. Because with that level of public heartbreak, to have to get out of a bed let alone stand in front of 800 people every night, it's just the last thing you want to do."

She added about the time after the scandal, "It was really hard. And the other thing was, it was at the height of all that paparazzi madness, and in London where there was an epidemic of bad behavior. They knew where I would be every night."

But Sienna Miller and Jude Law's relationship wasn't quite over yet

Meanwhile, at the time, Law would issue a public apology, saying, "Following the reports in today's papers, I just want to say I am deeply ashamed and upset that I've hurt Sienna and the people most close to us. I want to publicly apologize to Sienna and our respective families for the pain that I have caused" (via Today).

Miller, who would break things off with Law, only to start up their relationship again from 2009 – 2011, also revealed about the aftermath of the affair, "There's a whole six weeks of that experience that I don't remember. I have no recollection of it. People who came to see me said we had dinner, and I don't remember. I was in so much shock over it all. And I'd really just begun. I was only 23. But if you get through that, you feel like you can get through anything."

Despite the scandal, Miller says she counts her ex as a friend, saying in 2014, "I'm great friends with him and with his children. I love them, madly. Just huge love and respect for all of them." She added a few year later about Law, "I care about him enormously" (via In Style).
