Matthew McConaughey Has Harsh Words For Hollywood After 2020 Election

Much of Hollywood rallied around to help ensure Joe Biden defeated Donald Trump in 2020, with many celebrities taking a political stance for perhaps the first time in their careers to encourage fans to vote and have their voices heard. When Biden ultimately won, stars like Jonathan Van Ness, Spike Lee, Jennifer Lawrence, and Timothee Chalamet took to the streets to express their elation and relief over the hard-earned (and still highly contested) victory.

Famous types regularly come under fire for allegedly being out of touch with the real world, but it's less frequently from their own kind. Now, Matthew McConaughey and Russell Brand are taking aim at the Hollywood elite for looking down on "regular" folks due to their support of Trump. The two got into it during a recent episode of the British comedian's podcast, pinning the blame on celebrities for refusing to take their own advice and meet in the middle.

Matthew McConaughey suggests liberals need to check their privilege

McConaughey was appearing remotely on Brand's Under the Skin when the conversation turned overtly political. The Oscar-winning actor slammed celebrities who "condescend," "patronize" and are "arrogant" towards conservatives, arguing, "in our industry when Trump was voted in four years ago, they were in denial ... Some of them were in absolute denial" (via YouTube). The actor argued that it's hypocritical for liberals to expect Trump supporters to just accept the 2020 election results when they refused to do so when the roles were reversed. Brand kicked things off by asking McConaughey if he'd noticed a "condemnation" and "criticism" of working class people by those in the entertainment industry.  

The True Detective star noted, "It looks like Biden's our guy. Now you've got the right that's in denial, cause their side has fake news. And I understand, they've been fed fake news. No one knows what the hell to believe, right? So they're putting down their last bastion of defense." He suggested meeting in the middle was the best course of action, going as far as to argue that striving to do so is the bravest stance anybody could take nowadays. "I almost feel like it's a move to say, 'Let's get aggressively centric. I dare you'," he opined. Brand admitted he didn't like how celebs were acting as though citizens who voted for Trump, Brexit, etc. are dumb.
