Martha Stewart's Instagram Post Has Fans Concerned

Usually we can count on Martha Stewart to provide us with an upbeat burst of optimistic energy — her guides and how-tos empower us to take control of our lives and create a sense of order. Now, however, we're worried about Martha. Her most recent Instagram post, featuring shots of her gorgeous home in the Hamptons, had a caption that was decidedly un-cheery

"Random shots of my glistening and pristine home in east Hampton. Everything looks great but it does not 'feel' right. Too quiet. Too empty. Too. lonely. Do not worry. – i am not depressed just stating a fact. I love lots of friends around I love lots of activity."

Hard to think of a phrase less reassuring than an unprompted "Do not worry. – i am not depressed," especially when the phrase is following immediately following a reflection on how empty and lonely your home feels. We're hoping all's okay in Stewart-land. 

How Martha Stewart copes with difficult times

At least we know Stewart has tools to get through this difficult time. She recently told the New York Times that she likes to unwind with CBD gummies, saying, "I pop 20 of them and just feel OK, but some of my friends do two and feel high, I don't know why. It's not high like a marijuana high. It's a CBD high, like, relaxed."

Still, it's a tough time for someone who thrives on time with others. As she told WebMD in an interview, "Just simply talking to somebody makes things better... Although ... when I get on my horse and go out into the woods, the thing I always say is, 'It doesn't get any better than this.' That's a good little motto. We all need to look for those moments when we can say that."

Here's hoping her CBD gummies and horses can get her through this difficult time! 
