1 In 2 Fans Agree This Is The Greatest Disney Movie Ever

Let's be honest: there's no such thing as a bad Disney film, at least in recent years. But if you had to pick a favorite, which one would it be? It's not an easy question, as you have to take into consideration all of Disney's different film eras, which there are considered to be seven of: The Golden Age, The Wartime Era, The Silver Age, The Bronze Age, The Disney Renaissance, The Post-Disney Renaissance, and finally, the Revival Era (via Diz Avenue). Each of these eras produced Disney films that were inspired by what was going on in the world at the time, as well as what kind of technologies were available.

In order to get to the bottom of this inquiry, Women Lifestyle took to the internet to learn what people consider to be the best Disney film, starting with some of the most widely-loved movies. Keep reading to see which films were nominated, and which one was ranked the best.

These are our runner ups

Our survey received 8,000 votes worldwide, with Moana, Frozen, The Lion King, Zootopia, and a write-in option being the films to choose from. In the end, our winning film took the title by a landslide. But before we reveal who won, let's discuss our runners-up.

In last place, with eight percent of the votes, is Zootopia. Perhaps the all-animal cast and zoo puns just didn't do it for voters. In second-to-last place was the write-in option, which took 13 percent of the votes. There's a huge variety of options in that category, all from various film eras: Dumbo, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Bambi, Tangled, and Mulan all received lots of "likes" in the comments, to name a few. Some people left comments with sentiments such as, "This is like asking someone who's your favorite child!" as well as, "There's WAAAAAY too many to pick just one. Disney makes the best movies." Our thoughts exactly!

And our first and second place winners are...

After the write-in votes, tied for second place with 14 percent of the votes each, we have Moana and Frozen. It should come as no surprise that these two films did so well, as they're both fan favorites; they also have interesting intersections within the narrative of the film. Still, it's surprising that Frozen didn't come in first, since the Frozen revolution absolutely took the world by storm. Remember how impossible it was to listen to the radio without hearing Let It Go (via The Guardian)?

And finally, our top choice for greatest Disney movie ever, coming in with a whopping 51 percent of the votes: The Lion King! Was there really ever a discussion? The Lion King has been loved by Disney fans for decades — so much so that it was even rereleased in 2019 as a live-action style film (via IMDb). There are plenty of incredible things about this movie that fans everywhere love: the music, the voice acting, the art, the dialogue, and the oft-quotable lines. Clearly, that's why it was victorious.
