Michael Cohen Reveals Why He Thinks Melania Won't Leave Donald Trump

President Trump's disgraced former attorney Michael Cohen has made it clear that he's so over his former boss. And yet, Cohen can't seem to stop talking about Trump. In September, he released a scathing memoir entitled Disloyal: A Memoir – The True Story of the Former Personal Attorney to President Donald J. Trump, which depicted Trump as a power-mad lunatic behind closed doors. He described the outgoing president as a "cult leader" during an interview with NBC News, warning that Trump will do whatever it takes to retain office (to be fair, he was right on the money there). The same words used to describe Trump during his interview are reiterated in Cohen's memoir. "In the book, obviously, I describe Mr. Trump as a cult leader, and I was in this cult. So one of the purposes of writing the book is really from one former cult member to the current ones," Cohen said. "I've said this before, and I'll say it again: Open your eyes as I have. And I want you to appreciate that Donald Trump cares for no one or anything other than himself," he advised.

On the topic of Trump's future, Cohen explained at the time that he would advise the president to "...resign now, let Mike Pence pardon you from any and all potential crimes that will come out against you, and that would be my recommendation to you." Predictably, the White House responded by calling Cohen's book "fan fiction," and White House deputy press secretary Brian Morgenstern said in a statement, "He readily admits to lying routinely but expects people to believe him now so that he can make money from book sales."

Michael Cohen isn't done talking about the Donald Trump or his marriage

According to The United States Department of Justice, the President's former attorney was given a three-year prison sentence in 2018 after he pleaded guilty to various financial crimes, including tax evasion and campaign finance violations related to payments he orchestrated "to silence" two of Trump's alleged mistresses, "thereby intending to influence the 2016 presidential election." He was later released and ordered to home confinement due to the COVID-19 pandemic

Although Cohen wrote a book about Trump and testified against him in Congress, the disgraced lawyer has even more opinions to share about his former boss, and has added his opinion to the chatter about whether or not Melania will divorce the president once he's out of office. Those following this soap opera coming out of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue will remember that just as Trump transitioned to the White House and assumed the presidency, Melania stayed back at Trump Tower in New York City where it was alleged she was renegotiating her prenuptial agreement. Now, pending a seemingly unending stream of election-related lawsuits, President Trump will presumably leave the White House in January 2021, and the speculation is he'll be going it alone thereafter, as Melania will surely be ditching him. But according to many Trump insiders, that's not going to be the case at all.

Donald Trump's former lawyer reckons Melania is in it for the long haul

Trump's disgraced lawyer Michael Cohen told The Washington Post that he just doesn't see a split in the first couple's future. "I don't think Melania leaves Donald. She's very willingly complicit in his schemes and holds his beliefs as her own," he said. "Those two deserve each other." The first lady's former bestie, Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, agreed, telling the outlet, "It's part of the show. She's always been the quiet. He's been the loud. She's been the soft. He's been the hard. They play off one another. It's part of the relationship that makes it work." Melania's former chief of staff, Stephanie Grisham, hit back even harder, calling divorce speculation "pathetic and exactly why people no longer trust the mainstream media." Mary Jordan, author of The Art of Her Deal: The Untold Story of Melania Trump and her colleague Jada Yaun advised that divorce is simply "wishful thinking," via Voz Wire. They argued, "Maybe Melania is similar to America: a big part of her admires Donald Trump, even if another part of her is appalled by him." 

It's difficult to judge where their relationship stands, however, as the Trumps aren't exactly affectionate in public, as Donald's many rebuffed attempts to hold Melania's hand can attest. Likewise, reports suggest the couple doesn't even share a bed anymore — in fact, their bedrooms aren't even in the same wing of the White House. But hey, that worked for Lucy and Desi, right? 
