Items You Should Never Bother Shopping For On Black Friday

The holidays are almost here. And if you are able to look past the mounds of stuffing and assortment of pies, you'll see Black Friday is near (and even started early in some cases). For all you history lovers out there, Black Friday was originally a term the Philadelphia police used to refer to the day between Thanksgiving and the annual army-navy game that takes place in the city. Shoppers and tourists would flock to the city that Friday, forcing the police to work long hours (via Insider). Fast forward to present time, Black Friday is a day when obsessive bargain hunters participate in finding the best deals of the year. While the slash in a product's price may make it tempting to buy, here are some items you should never bother to shop for on Black Friday.

Diamonds may be a girl's best friend. And while they may be fun to accept any day of the year, you should steer clear of buying them on Black Friday. According to the International Diamond Exchange, 33 percent of our favorite bling is purchased during the holiday months (via Best Life). This high demand means retailers don't need to offer a discount. In fact, round-cut diamonds over four carats are shown to be close to 25 percent more expensive in November than they are in March.

Wait a little to purchase your safe bet holiday gifts

Another item to steer clear of on the holy grail of shopping days is gift cards. We know, they're always a safe bet, but just hold out a little while longer to purchase them so you can hang on to some of your hard-earned dollars. Sara Skirboll, shopping and trends expert says, "gift cards are usually cheaper in December, leading up to Christmas. For example, iTunes has offered $100 gift cards for $70 to $80" (via Best Life).

What's more, purchasing a new winter coat for yourself or loved ones on Black Friday may feel like it makes perfect sense. After all, winter has just begun. But try and hold out. Kendal Perez, of Coupon Sherpa says, "clothes are a great buy during Black Friday weekend, especially on Cyber Monday. But winter coats are a better buy in January when the winter season — for retail, anyway — is coming to a close and bulky jackets start moving to clearance racks" (via Cheapism).

Hold off on high tech holiday gifts

The final recommended item to steer clear of is the latest smartphone. Companies sure do know how to create extravagant hype around the latest smartphone, and it's hard to not fall victim to wanting the latest and greatest of anything. But don't expect savings if you choose to purchase one on Black Friday. Perez explains, "Walmart, Target, and Best Buy will likely offer these devices with store gift cards of up to $250, but deeper discounts on the device will arrive when it loses its novelty" (via Cheapism).

An extra tip: Don't fall victim to the words stores use to market themselves and what they have to offer on Black Friday. Sarah Hollenbeck, a shopping and retail expert, warns us about stores advertising sales with words like "exclusive" or "limited" to start a buzz (via Best Life). A little research is sometimes all it takes to uncover even better deals. Now that you know what deceiving deals (and words) to avoid, get out there and go and enjoy this special day. We have yet to find anything to better help us out of our turkey comas.
