Here's Why 90 Day Fiance's Tim Is Ready To Move Back To The USA

On TLC's 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way, viewers watch just how far some folks will go for love as the show's U.S. participants relocate to their fiancé's home countries and attempt to make a marriage happen within 90 days. The show is the newest iteration of the TLC hit 90 Day Fiancé and the flip-flopped concept has fans riveted. In the second season of the series, viewers met Tim Clarkson, a 34-year-old Texas native, and his 29-year-old Colombian fiancé, Melyza Zeta. Before we really had a chance to form our own judgments about this pair, it became clear Tim and Melyza had some issues.

According to TV Shows Ace, Tim met Melyza when she was temporarily working in the US as an au pair. Melyza fell for Tim's goofy personality and eventually made plans to move from Colombia to Texas to be with him. But before that came to fruition, Tim confessed that he'd cheated on Melyza. The two broke up for a time but are attempting to make things work again, despite the major trust issues Melyza is now contending with. She is not entirely innocent either, though — Melyza admitted to having a sexual relationship with someone else while she and Tim were on a break. Ultimately though, in an attempt to prove his love, Tim left his job in the states and moved to Colombia to be with Melyza. Now, it seems he is having second thoughts.

90 Day Fiancé's Tim is worried about logistics

It's no lack of love that has Tim thinking about packing his bags and heading stateside. It seems as he and Melyza are taking their sweet time repairing their fractured relationship, Tim's bank account is sending up a cry for help. On the November 15th episode, Tim and Melyza visited a couples' therapist where Tim expressed concerns that because he and Melyza are not married, he's unable to work and earn a living in Colombia (per TV Insider). If Tim's savings run out, he may be forced to move back home to work. The proposed distance has the couple on edge.

Tim revealed, "I'm feeling racked with uncertainty because I don't have a job and marriage is not on the table right now. If I have to move back to the states I'm extremely worried about how that's going to affect [our] relationship," (via YouTube). He's right to be concerned; according to TV Insider, Melyza confessed, "I just think that we're very early on in everything, and I think it's going to be kind of a breaking point for everything that we've accomplished so far." She told the therapist, "I don't trust him and if he has to go back, it's definitely going to make me nervous and uncomfortable." Although Tim reiterated that his motivations were purely financial, the therapist recommended he stay in Colombia. Who knows whether Tim will choose to stay or go, but we're sure more drama will ensue either way.
