The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Just Lost Its Head Writer. Here's Why

Newsflash: Sometimes the media gets things wrong. After less than a year as head writer on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, Rebecca Drysdale (who you might remember from her part in Orange Is The New Black or as the voice behind Key and Peele) is leaving. But Drysdale wants you to know that it's not for the reasons that Variety, Vulture, The Wrap, Deadline, and other outlets originally reported (via Twitter).

The Chicago Sun-Times was the first to bungle the story. It picked apart a private Facebook post and attributed Drysdale's decision to leave the show to her dislike of writing about Donald Trump. "I can't decide the outcome of this election, but I can make the choice for myself, to vote him out of my creative life," the writer and actress apparently wrote. Whether or not Drysdale did, indeed, write those words, The Chicago Sun-Times, and subsequent outlets that picked the story up, almost certainly misrepresented them. "

You have turned me into something I vowed to never become," Drysdale tweeted on November 6, in an effort to correct the story, "A multi-tweet tweeter. Shame."

This is really why Rebecca Drysdale chose to leave The Tonight Show

"My departure was mutual and amicable. My choice not to do Trump comedy is unrelated and hopefully moot after this election anyway," Rebecca Drysdale clarified on Twitter. "This has been spun into something it isn't, one part is something that happened professionally. The other is a personal creative choice based on many experiences over the past several years," she continued. "I have nothing but love and respect for the hardest working crew and staff and writers that work at The Tonight Show," she further emphasized, " and anything that reads as an indictment of the show or Jimmy is just a lie."

What may have happened "professionally" remains uncertain. What is, however, abundantly clear is that Rebecca Drysdale is moving on. What's next up for the Emmy-nominated comedian? Deadline reports that Netflix is developing her script, Dan Pan, and that Adam Sandler is "attached" to it. According to IMDb, Drysdale also wrote and acted in an upcoming short film, Gum, where she stars alongside Suzi Barrett. The premise? "In a reality where gum doesn't exist, Anne (Suzi Barrett) pitches Becky (Rebecca Drysdale) an idea that could change the world."
