Stephen King Has A Harsh Message For Donald Trump After His Loss

As the man behind horror icons like Pennywise the Clown, Cujo, and Gage Creed, we suspect Stephen King knows a thing or two about scary scenarios. On November 1, Stephen King declared on social media, "I'm off Twitter until after the election."

King came back with a vengeance after Joe Biden was proclaimed winner and president-elect. On November 7, King tweeted: "America to Trump: YOU'RE FIRED." He continued, "In a contest pitting science vs. superstition, science won. That it was even close in our so-called age of enlightenment is worrying."

But as Trump dug his heels in and refused to accept the results of the elections, King began warming up again, first saying, "You lost, you miserable self-entitled infantile f***er. Concede and get the hell out." Most recently, he tweeted, "C'mon, Don. Concede. It's not the f***ing Alamo."

King doesn't have time for Fox News either, saying, "Fox News pushing the specious voter fraud story. I remember them sticking up for the plucky poll workers when Trump squeaked out a win in '16."

Stephen King has no patience for Donald Trump

Stephen King has no love or patience for Donald Trump, and his distaste may have amplified after the pandemic struck. Back in March, he told CNN, "Just in the last three or four weeks people are saying to me, 'We are living in a Stephen King world,' and boy, all I can say is I wish we weren't" (via The Guardian). "This has been waiting in the wings for a long, long time. I wrote The Stand about a pandemic that wipes out most of the human race, and thank God this one isn't that bad, but I wrote that in 1979 and ever since then this has just been waiting to happen," he said.

He's especially salty about what he perceives as the president putting millions of lives at stake at the start of the coronavirus outbreak. "It's almost impossible to comprehend," King said in March. "I remember back in the '70s when Republicans laughed at Jimmy Carter as being indecisive and wishy-washy." King continued, "You had Trump at first saying, 'This isn't really very serious, don't worry, everything's going to be OK,' then when the stock market starts to die, when the reality of the thing hits home, he's talking about, 'Well, take it easy. This thing is going to be like a miracle, everything's going to be OK by Easter and we'll have the churches full."
